The Friendly Zebra

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"Well, there isn't a place to stay so I guess we're gonna have to continue our journey until we find shelter," Steve said as he was leading his friends to the swamp. Frank sighed. When they arrived at the swamp, there was the sound of frogs croaking and crickets chirping. "Does anypony know which way to go???" Alex asked. "I think we go straight" Steve replied. "Guy's," Beth said. Steve and the others turned to her to see her pointing at something. She was pointing at a pony wearing a cloak and a pointy hat. There was a moment of silence until the pony threw a potion at them. A mist exploded in the air, making them cough. A flash of white and gray appeared in the front of them then started attacking the pony in the cloak. They kept fighting until the pony in the cloak ran off. The attacker turned to them, showing it's stripped body. "A zebra!!! ". The zebra walked toward them. "Follow me," The zebra said. The zebra started leading them. Steve looked at the others who shrugged then started following the zebra. The zebra was leading them to a hut. "It seems that you are lost, you wait here while I'll collect some moss," The zebra said. She walked away for a moment then grabbed a hoof-full of moss. She walked toward the hut then opened the door for them. There was a pot in the middle of the room and a shelf full of potions. The zebra put the moss in the boiling pot then started stirring it. "So you're going to the Rocky Ridges I suppose," The zebra said. "Yeah, how do you know???" Steve asked. "Ponies come through this swamp to get there, they can easily get lost here, my children could easily recognize which way to go" The zebra replied. "Who are you, and who was that pony in the cloak???" Alex asked. "Zamora, that pony in the cloak is just a witch, you should be glad that I saved you, she would've started making you into soup" The zebra replied. Alex started giving a disgusted look. "She eats meat??? Ponies especially, that gross" Beth said. Zamora looked at them. "I was joking about the soup part, the witch just like scaring ponies away" Zamora chuckled. Zamora continued stirring the boiling pot. "So how many zebras are here???" Frank asked. "Just me and my three children, they're at Equestria right now" Zamora replied. "Why just the four of you???" Beth asked. "We liked to live here instead of our zebra tribe" She replied. Zamora stopped stirring the pot then craned forward at it, a blur was appearing on the surface. "You look at the liquid, it will tell you where to go," Zamora said. Steve and the others craned forward and started to see a blur of a map. It was the place beside Equestria, where they live at. Steve levitated on the map that was in his saddlebag then looked at it then back at the pot. The difference between the map and the pot was that Equestria looked way different and the island wasn't there, there was an extra spec of land between Equestria and the place they live at as if it was like a bridge. "Since when did that extra spec of land between Equestria and here appeared???" Steve asked, pointing at it. "Two weeks ago from the earthquake" Zamora replied. "Then it's not just here monsters will be coming, but they're coming to Equestria," Steve said. Zamora nodded. "Then we gotta go" Steve walked toward the door. "Wait, Steve, it's getting dark," Alex said, pointing at the window which was showing the sunset among the trees. "You may rest here if you like, I don't mind visitors," Zamora said. Steve thought for a moment then nodded. "Alright, we'll stay, thank you," Steve said. Zamora nodded. "My pleasure," she said.

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