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"Well... I'll tell you a story about how I got my cutie mark, when I was a colt, I had a foster mother named Betsy, she was always overprotective, well, when one time in the middle of the night, she was asleep, I sneaked out of my room and grabbed her pickaxe, and I went outside with a lantern, and went inside a cave, I always dreamed of becoming a miner, so I looked around and found emeralds, lots of emeralds, so I started mining until morning, I found my foster mother looking for me and I was holding a small pack of coal and emeralds so she took me to the village then I told everyone that I mined in the middle of the night without being attacked, they think I was brave, that's also the time I met Frank, so when we came back home, I noticed that I had a pickaxe cutie mark"Steve said pointing at his cutie mark. "Where's your real mom???"Alex asked. "I... I don't know... My foster mother told me that she found me in a basket with a note on it" Steve replied. "Oh, wanna know how I got mine???"Alex asked. Steve nodded. "Alright, so my father and I were walking to a village until we were chased by a creeper, while we were running, my father broke his leg, I want to help him but the creeper was getting closer, so I took his bow and arrow then shot the creeper on the head on the first try, he called me a hero, then my cutie mark appeared, so I practiced aiming then I became an expert"Alex said. "That's cool," Steve said. "Thanks," Alex said. Steve looked over at Frank, he was already asleep. "Well, guess we could go to sleep" Steve yawned. "Alright... Goodnight"Alex said as she laid down. "Goodnight..."Steve said. He rests his head between his front hooves then let sleep take over him.

My Little Pony Crossovers: Steve's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now