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Steve woke up hearing a thud. He looked around, it was almost dawn. "What was that???"
Steve looked around and notice the saddlebag next to him was missing. "Um... Guys??? Where's my saddlebag???"Steve asked nervously. Alex and Frank woke up from their doze after a moment then faced him. They looked puzzled as if they don't have any idea where they were. Steve heard a sound coming from the ladder below, he looks through the trapdoor and saw a hooded pony. "Hey!!! What are you doing???!!!"As the hooded pony put the saddlebag on the back, it looked up then started running. Steve turned to Alex.
"Take care of the other saddlebags" Alex nodded then levitated them onto her back. Steve then turned to Frank. "Let's get that saddlebag back" Steve nodded to Frank. Steve teleported Frank and himself back to the ground. Steve looked around until he saw the hooded pony running into the darkest part of the woods. "Frank, your the fastest, go after that pony, I'll be right behind you" Frank nodded then started chasing toward the hooded pony. Steve kept following Frank until he heard him said: "Watch out!!!" Then he hopped on the hooded pony then they both collapsed to the ground. Steve caught up to him when he heard a sound of crackling bones, Steve looked ahead and realized that it was a skeleton under a tree. He shot his horn at it then it started burning out at the sun. "Get off me!!!"The hooded pony said. "You're not going anywhere, I barely saved your flank just right now, now give our saddlebag back," Frank said. "Fine, be that way!!! Not like I'm gonna die from starvation or anything"The hooded pony took off her hood to reveal a purplish blue-eyed mare. "Let me go will you, I'll let go of your stupid saddlebag," The mare said as she looked at Frank. Steve nodded at Frank when he got off of the mare. The mare dropped the saddlebag to the ground then started to run off. "Wait!!!"Frank called, but the mare kept running and running until she was deep in the woods. "Why'd you say wait to her???"Steve turned to Frank. He noticed that Frank was lightly blushing. "You like her???"Steve asked. "What!!! No"Frank started getting redder. "How about you, you like Alex???"Frank laughed. Steve started blushing, he tried to cover his face. "Ha!!! Just what I thought!!! Come on, let's get back" Frank put the saddlebag on his back. Just when they were about to turn, they heard a scream come from the dark part of woods. "We gotta go save her!!!"Frank started running into the woods. "Frank!!! Wait!!!"Steve called but he knew he wouldn't listen, Steve started running into the dark forest.

As he ran, he lit up his horn then shot at the branches that were on his way. He past by a light orange figure so Steve stopped at a halt then started to walk backward until he saw the light orange figure. It was Frank, fighting an enderpony. The enderpony kept teleporting around him until it teleported on a puddle of water. It started giving an eerie shriek. The eeriest Steve had ever heard. It started melting onto the puddle then disappeared. Frank glanced behind him. Steve walked up to him then saw the same mare from earlier. "Are you ok???"Frank asked the mare. Steve looked at the mare then noticed her eyes were watery. "Have you been crying???"Steve asked. "No..."The mare grunted. Frank turned to Steve. "We need to do something, she's defenseless," Frank said. Steve looked at the mare then back to Frank. He levitated the spare sword that's on his saddlebag then a couple of carrots then left them both a front of the mare. "Keep them, you'll need it," Steve said. The mare nodded. As Steve and Frank turned. "Wait, may I come with you guys???"They looked back at her then looked at each other. They both shrugged. "Fine, but you better not betray us, we got a town to save," Steve said. "What do you mean???"The mare asked. "We'll explain it on the way, come on," Steve said. The mare stood up then took off her cape, to show a pair of wings. "What's your name???"Frank asked. "Beth," The mare said. "That's cool," Frank said. "Yep... He definitely likes her"

My Little Pony Crossovers: Steve's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now