The Attack

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Steve woke up, hearing sounds of explosions and screams coming from outside. He jumped off his bed then ran to Alex while she was still asleep. "Alex, wake up," Steve said. "Huh... Wha... What's wrong???"Alex said as she raised her head then turned to Steve. "I don't know but there's something going on outside," Steve said. Alex threw the blanket off her then got off the couch. Steve levitated on his sword then opened the door. As Steve and Alex went outside, Steve barely realized that he was taller than Alex. It was dark outside, but ahead was the village, with a blaze of fire. "The village's in trouble, we gotta help," Steve said in panic. Alex levitated on her saddlebag then put in on her back. "Let's go," Alex said with a nod. Steve nodded back then they started running to the path. As they ran, Steve heard noises behind them. It was a sound of an enderpony, they are slender tall, black monsters that have the ability to teleport and Steve knew, Nopony can't look at them at the eyes. They kept running until the enderpony teleported a front of them then they stopped. Steve almost looked at it at the eyes but looked away, having his hoof off of the view, Alex was looking at Steve. "What are you doing???"Alex asked. "Don't look at it at the eyes, not even for a half a second"Steve replied. "I think I kinda did just right now..."Alex said nervously. "Oh no..."Steve thought. He heard the enderpony screech when Steve looked at Alex. He levitated his sword a front of him, then jumped a front of Alex, ready for battle, until they heard a call. The enderpony looked at the direction the call was coming from then a fast flash of light orange started to attack it, causing the enderpony to teleport until it gave up. The enderpony disappeared as the light orange pony was looking at it then turned to Steve. "Frank??? I didn't know you could fight" Steve said. "I had practice, I knew this day would come," Frank said with a smile, holding a sword in his mouth. "What's going on???"Steve asked. "Our village is being attacked by monsters, we found a strange stallion that looked almost exactly like you, but his eyes are pure white and he talks without moving his mouth"Frank replied. "Well, what are we waiting for??? We gotta go!!!"Steve said. They started running the path to the village until a flaming tree blocked it. "What are we gonna do now???!!!"Alex called out. "Alex, can we teleport other ponies and yourself at the same time???"Steve asked. "Yeah, but I haven't learned that part yet"Alex replied. "Then guess I'm gonna have to figure it out on my own"Steve thought. He pointed his horn at Frank. "Um... What are you doing???"Frank asked. "I need you to trust me on this... Ok"Steve replied. Frank nodded questionably. Steve shot magic at Frank, causing him to teleport at the other side of the burning tree. "Alex teleport on three... One... Two..."Before Steve can finish Alex teleported. Steve closed his eyes then teleported. He opened them and saw Alex and Frank. "How did you learn to do that???"Frank asked. "Alex taught me"Steve replied. "Oh ok," Frank said. They started continuing running to the village. When they made it, there were ponies running around, panicking and screaming. "Who could've done this..."Steve thought. He looked around and saw Elliot running toward him. "Steve, there's a stallion, who looks just like you, he caused lighting to strike on the village causing it to burn in flames"Elliot explained. "Who is this stallion your talking about???"Steve asked. "Steve... Look..."Frank said pointing behind him. Steve turned his head, seeing a light blue stallion, the exact came coat, mane, and tail like his but he had a different cutie mark and pure white eyes. "Who are you???!!!"Steve called out to him. The stallion walked closer and closer to Steve until he was face to face with Steve. "I'm Herobrine, I'm here to destroy your village, unless you defeat me," The stallion said but without moving his mouth at all.

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