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Two weeks had passed, they were running low on food. Steve dug into his saddlebag, to find one apple left. He looked at the others who were facing him. "I'll go duplicate it, then maybe Frank and I will go out and see if the ashes have been blown away, and if so, we'll look for some food," Steve said. Frank nodded. Steve levitated on the apple then shot magic at it, making three other apples appear, he gave each apple to Frank, Beth, and Alex. Steve grabbed his own apple then sat down next to Alex by the campfire. She was chewing on the apple. Alex leaned her head on Steve's shoulder, making him blush. Frank and Beth were across them, cuddling. While they were stuck in the cave, Frank and Beth started getting closer as a couple. Steve bit his apple, enjoying the crunchy tangy fruit on his tongue.

Steve and Frank stood by the boulder, Steve used his horn to move it aside. Revealing a shine of bright light. Steve walked out and realized that there was sand around and the blue sky was back. "It's back to normal"Frank said as he walked up to him. Steve looked at the forest, he can see the leaves yellow, orange, red, and brown. "It's fall..."Steve said.

Steve and Frank were walking in the forest toward the Rocky Ridges. They were searching for food for them. As they were walking, Steve felt a wet small squishy feeling under his left front hoof. He lifted his hoof then examine the liquid, realizing that it was a raspberry. "Frank, look, there might be raspberries near," Steve said as he showed Frank his hoof, Frank nodded then looked at the ground. Steve did the same then started walking back to where he was before. He felt another squashed berry under his hoof. Steve glanced at the bush, in excitement, he realized the sweet berries on the bush everywhere. "Frank, I found them!!!"Steve exclaimed. Frank ran to him as Steve started picking on the raspberries, getting poked from the thorns but he didn't care. Frank opened his saddlebag then started picking on the berries, putting some in his saddlebag. Steve picked every single one he can find, levitating them to Frank's saddlebag. When the saddlebag was filled on both sides, they started walking back to the cave.

While they were close to the entrance of the cave, the sky was turning gray, blocking the sun. Steve looked up to see small flakes falling from the sky lightly. One of the flakes gently lands on Steve's nose then almost immediately melted. "Guess winter is coming in early"Frank said. Steve nodded. "We should look for a place to stay, maybe we can leave tomorrow," Steve said. Steve and Frank arrived at the entrance. They saw the mares chatting with each other until they noticed them. Alex stood up, walking to Steve. "Have you found anything???"Alex asked. Steve nodded. "We got some raspberries" Steve replied. "Is it enough for all of us???"Beth asked. Steve nodded. "And tomorrow morning, we'll be leaving to find a village and get some shelter, winter is coming in early," Steve said. "Alright, let's eat!!!"Alex exclaimed.

My Little Pony Crossovers: Steve's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now