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It was almost dusk, they had arrived at the house. "Seems to be getting dark, we should go inside before the monsters start coming," Steve said. Alex nodded. Steve levitated open the door then walked inside as Alex followed. He put his sword next to the door after it has been closed. "Sorry for this place being unprepared, I wasn't expecting visitors," Steve said. "It's alright," Alex said. There was a moment of silence until Steve spoke. "So... How are you gonna teach me???"Steve asked. "Oh, I got the book in my saddlebag, I brought it to study," Alex said as she's levitating on a book out of her saddlebag. "I bought this while exploring," Alex said. "You go out exploring???!!! Isn't that dangerous since the dark and the monsters???"Steve asked. "Well I would sometimes stay in villages sometimes, or make a small treehouse" Alex replied. "You seem pretty lucky to go traveling," Steve said. "Maybe you can come with me, I could really use some company," Alex said. " Really, thanks!!!"Steve exclaimed. "Well let's put that aside, you got some spells to learn," Alex said as she's setting the book on the table. Steve sat down next to Alex as she opened the book. "Oh, I forgot," Steve said. He levitated on the emeralds from earlier. "You can have these back," Steve said. "Thanks, set them on the table," Alex said. Steve levitated them onto the table. "Okay, so the first spell is duplication," Alex said. "What do you do???"Steve asked. "Just point your horn to something you want to duplicate then think of the spell," Alex said. Alex pointed her horn to one of the emeralds then shot magic at it, causing another emerald to appear. "Ok, your turn," Alex said. Steve pointed his horn at an emerald then closed his eyes so he wouldn't see if he would fail, then he shot the magic. "Wow, you did it!!!"Alex exclaimed. "I actually did," Steve thought as proudness was rushing through his heart. "Okay, next spell, the teleportation spell," Alex said after she turned the next page of the book. "What's that one???"Steve asked. "I'll demonstrate it," Alex said as she hopped off her chair then walked near the counters. She closed her eyes when she teleported to the couch. "Woah, I gotta learn that one!!!"Steve exclaimed. "Ok, so first you close your eyes then think about a close place you want to go"Alex explained. Steve hopped off his chair then walked near the counters where Alex was at earlier. He closed his eyes and thought. "Please work, please work," Steve thought. He felt magic take over him for a half a second then he opened his eyes to realize that he was next to Alex. "Not bad"Alex said. "Thanks for showing me, it means a lot," Steve said. "No problem," Alex said.

It was dark already, Steve looked at the clock that was hanging on the wall. "Wow, good timing," Alex said. "You wanna stay here tonight??? It's not that safe to be out" Steve said as he hopped off his chair. "Sure, thanks," Alex said. "Would you like to sleep on my bed or the couch???"Steve asked. "On the couch is fine" Alex replied. She sat down on the couch then laid on it. Steve teleported a blanket then levitated on it then gave it to Alex. Steve turned off the lights then walked to his bed. "Well... Good night" Steve said as he hopped onto his bed. "Good night," Alex said. Steve laid himself on the bed then closed his eyes. "I wonder what tomorrow would bring"Steve thought.

My Little Pony Crossovers: Steve's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now