New Boys 🤦🏽‍♀️

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Jordan POV

I was sleeping in my room

And my dumb alarm had to wake me up and I was tired from basketball practice yesterday so I turned off my alarm and I forced myself to get out of bed and I went into my bathroom and I started my shower

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And my dumb alarm had to wake me up and I was tired from basketball practice yesterday so I turned off my alarm and I forced myself to get out of bed and I went into my bathroom and I started my shower

After I got out of the shower I put on my towel robe and went into my closet
and I picked out my outfit and I went into my bathroom again and I did my hair and I didn't feel like doing any makeup so I put on some lipgloss and I put on my lotion and I put on my outfit

After I got out of the shower I put on my towel robe and went into my closet and I picked out my outfit and I went into my bathroom again and I did my hair and I didn't feel like doing any makeup so I put on some lipgloss and I put on my lotion an...

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And I went downstairs and mom and dad were making breakfast and it smelled good

Me: Good morning mom and dad

Mom: Good morning still tired from yesterday

Me: Yes my legs are sore...thanks dad

Dad: Ur welcome honey

Me: Really dad

Dad: I love u tho

Me: Yea...what are we having for breakfast today 🤷🏽‍♀️

Mom: Blueberry Pancakes

Me and Dad: Oooooh

Mom: Well dig in

We all got our plates and we sat at the table and we had our conversation and I put away my dish and left and went to the bus stop to see me friends

Me: Hey Girls

Makayla: Hey Bich

Me and Makayla have been friends since we were little and we did everything together and we were just like sister

Me: I'm just ready to get practice over with today

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