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It was the middle of the night and my stomach was killing me and I kept screaming like I was on a horror movie when Melo came into my room from helping me clean earlier and he came in quickly

LaMelo: Is it time ?


We got all of the my stuff to take to the hospital and Melo helped me into the car and he texted everybody to meet him there at the hospital

LaMelo: We're almost there baby... we're almost there just breath

Me: Ok...ok

We finally made it to the hospital and they rushed right into a room they already had for when I was gonna give birth I had to change into a hospital gown I waited for the doctor to hurry up so I can have this baby already


LaMelo: Baby he's coming right now

The door opens and it's finally the doctor coming into the room

Doctor: Are we ready to have this baby ?

LaMelo: Yes

The doctor told me to push and I pushed and I stopped and had to breath and he told me to do it again and I stop and and catch my breath

Doctor: Ok...one more push I see the head

LaMelo: Come on baby...u can do this...now push

I pushed one more time and I hear something crying and then I stared to cry when seeing my son

Doctor: Who wants to cut the cord

Melo cut the cord and the doctor gave him to me and I just loved even more than when I had him in my stomach for 9 months

Me: * crying * I love him

LaMelo: I do too baby

Liked by Zo Gelo Jasmineisbae ❤ and 1M others

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Liked by Zo Gelo Jasmineisbae ❤ and 1M others

Melo: Here to the world... Aiden LaMelo Ball• 4/10/18, 14lbs and 14inch 💙💕


Zo: Proud of u bro 😆
Makayla 🌷: Such a cute little family 💙
Kemissa 🌹: 💙💙💙
Jasmineisbae ❤: Soooo cuteee 💙💙💙
Gelo: Proud 💙🚼

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