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Jordan POV

It was now Monday and I was still in bed not wanting to go to school but then my friends are gonna try to come over and wake me up...I just got out of bed and I put on my slides and I went to the bathroom and started my shower and I did my routine

I then got out of the shower and I went back to my room and put my hair in a sleek ponytail and I then lotioned up then I put on my outfit

And went downstairs and got my keys to my car and I got my book bag and I locked the front door and I went to go pick up Makayla since Jasmine and Kemissa are always there before us

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And went downstairs and got my keys to my car and I got my book bag and I locked the front door and I went to go pick up Makayla since Jasmine and Kemissa are always there before us

Makayla: Hey girl

Me: Hey

Makayla: Girl u can't just be sad today because what happened over the weekend...just let go by u and get over it

Me: But if I can't get over it Makayla...then it would be harder seeing him with that bitch

Makayla: Well u when we get to school just don't worry about him looking at u just worry about ur self

Me: Good advice...thanks sister

Makayla: Of course ... that's why I'm ur sister always

We then made it to the school and I seen Jasmine and Kemissa waiting for us and I seen someone looking at me and I feel like it's Melo but like was Kayla said ~ don't worry about him just worry about u ~

* At lunch *

I made it to lunch and I sat with Makayla Jas and Kemissa at our usual table

Me: Thanks for the food Jasmine

Jasmine: Did I say u can steal my food ?

Me: Yea...that's why I love u

Jasmine: * sarcastic * I love u too

We then talked about what's happening around school when Zo and Gelo and Eli came over to our table

Me: Why are u guys over here ?

Gelo: Ashley decided to come over to our table to sit with LaMelo...so we sat over here

Kemissa: I see why

We all looked at lambo and Ashley just touching all over each other and it looked disgusting

Me: When can the bell ring yet !?

* Bell ring *

Me: That was luck right there

It was now almost the end of the day and I had a math class with Kemissa I was lucky to have he cuz I didn't want that class to be quite the whole time

Kemissa: Did u hear what we were supposed to be even doing ?

Me: Nope

Kemissa: Damn...we never listen in this class

Me: I know and it's funny anyway

We finally caught up with what we were doing and we finished up our work when LaMelo came into the classroom with Phaquan

LaMelo: Sorry we're late

Teacher: Just take ur seat

I didn't feel like looking at LaMelo going by me so I finished my work and when LaMelo came by me and Kemissa I feel like he's staring at me when he sat down with Quan

Kemissa: I'm ready to go home

Me: Me too

* After school *

I was now leaving the school until I heard someone call me name it was... LaMelo

LaMelo: Hey can we talk...plz ?

Me: Their's nothing to talk about Melo

LaMelo: Their is something talk... about what I was doing with Ashley

Me: Well ur little girlfriend came to the park and told me to not to bother u anymore...so that's what I'm gonna do

LaMelo: Jordan plz

Me: Fine...just meet me at the park later

I left in my car and drove to my house and I went to my room and I laid down on my bed and and I watched some movies and ate some chips  before I could go to the park

I made it to the park and seen Melo playing basketball by is self and he threw the ball and missed

Me: That's a fail

LaMelo: Shutup

Me: So...what did u wanna talk about ?

LaMelo: Ok...I didn't go to Starbucks to see Ashley I was gonna get u something when she came in and tried to flirt with me because...u were sick and weren't with me

Me: Well that makes sense

LaMelo: I'm so sorry for what happened Jordan

Me: Melo...I know it's not ur fault and I'm not mad I'm just going to kill Ashley

LaMelo: I missed u

Me: I missed u too Melo


What will happen in the next chapter ?

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