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Jasmine  POV

The girls and I went to Jordan house until we went home and we went live and we kept getting a lot of comments like

Y'all are fine 😍
U single 🤤
Ur friends single 😍🤤
What school do y'all go to ❗️
Do y'all no the Ball Brothers😩
Are they cute🤷🏽‍♀️

Me: Hey Jordan someone asking about the Ball brothers

Jordan: Ok why do I care

Makayla: Cuz their asking about the girl who was talking to LaMelo today

Jordan: Well what I can say is that Yea I know the ball brothers their cool people

Kemissa: And do u like LaMelo Ball

Jordan: Ok look LaMelo...he's cute and I like him as a friend not like a-

Makayla: Boyfriend

Jordan: Exactly

Me: Well u better explain somethin cuz LaMelo Zo  and Gelo are in here

Jordan: Well like I said he's cute

Me: U hear that LaMelo

After that we ended the live and went outside and went to the park and played some basketball

Me: Hey I'm bored now

Jordan: Then what should we do

Makayla: We can call the boys so they can play with us

Jasmine: U texted Zo they said they coming

Kemissa: Good I get to see Gelo

Jordan: Oooh it seems like u have a crush

Kemissa: Shut up Jordan

We played some more basketball when they boys came

LaMelo: Hey Jordan

Jordan: Hi LaMelo

Me: Ok what game are we playing

Lonzo: First team to make it to 20 has to do somthin for the winning team

Jordan  POV

Lonzo: First team to make it to 20 has to do somthin for the winning team

We all agreed on playing the basketball game

Gelo: Who the team captains

Makayla: It can be Jasmine and-

LaMelo: Me ❗️

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