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Jordan POV

I made it to my house and I turned off my car and went inside to Jasmine Makayla and Kemissa in the living room

Me: How do y'all get here before me ?

Jasmine: The extra key u have so we used to get in

Me: Ok...then why are u here ?

Makayla: Why were being sarcastic with Melo all day at school ?

Me: Well...he had a girlfriend and he was like "I don't have a girlfriend" or something but I didn't care but I jus like seeing him get mad

Kemissa: Yea cuz Melo was mad going home because of u being funny

Me: Well he's coming to my house later cuz he wanted to talk to me

Makayla: About ?

Me: Like I know what he wants to talk about !

Jasmine: He probably wants to talk about u and him

Me: Why he's dating someone else

Kemissa: But he keeps telling u he isn't even dating Ashley

Makayla: He wants to be with u

I then realized that they were right about what they were saying cuz I know he isn't dating Ashley cuz he still loves me and I still love him too the same way


It was now the middle of the night and I was outside on the ground looking at the stars in the dark sky when I seen a tall figure in front of me...it was LaMelo

LaMelo: Can we talk ?

Me: Yea

He then sat down right beside me and I was waiting for to say something but instead I said something

Me: Do u still...miss me Melo ?

LaMelo: I just don't miss u...I still love u Jordan

Me: I'm sorry that I've been messing with u today about...u know

LaMelo: Ashley...Yea well I dont even like her more than I love u

Me: I still love u too Melo

LaMelo: I know...so where do we stand with each other now ?

Me: I don't know but this...I wanna be with u again I just don't know...if u will like to again about Ashley

LaMelo: I know that...but do u wanna get back with me ?

Me: Yea I do

He gave me a kiss on the cheek and we laid down on the floor just looking at the stars while we were holding onto each other

LaMelo: U know I love u ?

Me: I know Melo ...I know


Sorry that it was short

What will happen next ?

Should I keep writing this book ?

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