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We finally made it back home and we all called Ubers and we decided to go to Jasmine house cuz it was closer and I didn't wanna go to my house anyway

Me: All I wanna do is talk a long nap and not be annoyed by anybody right now

LaMelo: Not even me

Me: No I want to cuddle with u that's all

LaMelo: That's so sweet

Me: I try

We made it to Jasmine's house and when I opened that door I fell asleep with Melo holding me and I was warm and comfortable and safe with LaMelo

* 2 Hours Later *

I was the only one in the house so I got up and went to this fridge and got me a water and I went outside to the patio and seen the group by an open fire and roasting marshmallows

Me: Hey guys

Eli: Hey sleep beauty

Me: Shut up

I went over to Melo and he covered me up in his blanket and kissed me on the forehead

Me: So what happened while I was sleeping

Kemissa: Well while u and Melo were sleeping we watched some old movies and we went to the store and got things to make smores and that's it

Me: Coo give me a smores

Gelo: I like how all of us are here together as family

Lonzo: And with all the people we love

LaMelo: And nothing can break that bond that we all have with each other

Me: I love u guys

We all talked and laughing and making more smores and then we had a sheet and a movie projecter and we made some popcorn and we watched some movies outside and it was really fun

* The Morning *

Everybody else was still asleep while me and LaMelo were the only ones up right now at 9:00 in the morning

LaMelo: Whatcha u wanna do

Me: I have an idea...go get ready

I went inside and went to take a shower and changed into different clothes

I went inside and went to take a shower and changed into different clothes

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LaMelo: U ready

Me: Yea let's go to McDonald's first and come right back

LaMelo: Ok

We took Melo lambo and went to McDonald's and I got me some fried and a ice cream and we made it back to Jas house

Me: Ok follow me I gotta show u something

LaMelo: What is it

Me: Quiet place

We walked to a for about 10 minutes and we made it to a meadow with a pond that looked so pretty

We walked to a for about 10 minutes and we made it to a meadow with a pond that looked so pretty

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LaMelo: Woah...what is this place

Me: This is my quiet place where I come to be away from the world...like when u were in the hospital I come here all the time when I hoped u felt better

LaMelo: Cool but what's so great about this place

Me: It's just the best like the scenery and I get to feel free from life and getaway from to the drama and the negative things...but overall it's great here cuz I'm with u

LaMelo: That's sweet I love u Jordan

Me: I love u too Melon

LaMelo: Didn't I say I don't like that name

Me: Yea but I call u that nobody else ok

LaMelo: Ok...I really love and appreciate u Jay

Me: Hmm...I appreciate it u too

He gave me a kiss and we we just sat near the pond looking at how pretty it is and how lucky I get to share with someone I truly love ❤

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