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Jordan POV

It was the middle of the day and I was cuddle up with Melo on the couch and everybody else was watching TV and playing on our phones or trying to find food in the fridge * which their wasn't anything in the fridge *

Me: I'm bored

Jasmine: Same there's nothing to do today

Kemissa: Well we could've done somethin if Makayla didn't leave of with these boys

Gelo: Really Kimi

Kemissa: I mean cute boys...I still love u

Gelo: I love u too

Me: Wait...why don't we go to the beach it's supposed to be hot all day until its night time

LaMelo: I'm cool with that

Me: Cuz u get to see me in a bikini

LaMelo: No...cuz I get to see u in a bikini

LaMelo: I love u Jordan

Me: I love u too...well u boys get ready while me and the girls get ready

Me and the girls went to my house to go change while the boys changed

* At the beach *

* At the beach *

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Kemissa~•~•~•~•~We made it to the beach and it was sooo hot that I felt like I was melting

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We made it to the beach and it was sooo hot that I felt like I was melting

Me: Why it's gotta be so hot outside

LaMelo: Cuz we're outside and cuz of the sun

Me: I know that already

Kemissa: Well I'm gonna get in the water now with Gelo

Me: Let me go with u

We all went to the water and Melo kept picking me up and playing with me in the water and it was fun being with him at the beach and we played some volleyball and me and the girls won and the boys loss

Me: Us girls always win

Jasmine: Cuz girls are better than boys

Lonzo: We let y'all win anyway

Kemissa: Cuz we're ur girlfriends right?

Right !

Me: We love u guys too

We then sat down in the sand and we tanned a little bit and had a good convo and we decided to take a picture and post it on Instagram

We then sat down in the sand and we tanned a little bit and had a good convo and we decided to take a picture and post it on Instagram

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Liked by Melo Zo Gelo and 10,000 others

Jasmineisbae ❤: Us girls love being like this had a fun time today 💕

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It was now getting dark and we didn't wanna leave the beach so we made bonfire and roasted marshmallows and made some smores

Me: I had fun today with u guys I needed this

Jasmine: We all did and we got to spend with the most important people we love

Me: Yea... I love u Melo

LaMelo: I love u too Jordan

We then left the beach and decided to stay in a hotel us we didn't feel like going home so we had separate rooms and of course I had a room with Melo and we took a shower together and I washed my hair when I got out and it was soo curly

LaMelo: Ur hair is cute when it's curly like that

Me: It's hot when ur hair is wild and curly too

LaMelo: Let me love u tonight

Me: Hmm...I'll get back to u

LaMelo: Ok I see how it is

We were still in the bathroom and he kept kissing my neck and leaving hickey's and he took a pic of us kissing

And then after that I don't even have to explain it to u guys cuz u already should have a guess of what happened at the hotel 💕😉💕😉💕

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And then after that I don't even have to explain it to u guys cuz u already should have a guess of what happened at the hotel 💕😉💕😉💕

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Sorry I haven't been posting but I need some new ideas

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