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Jordan POV

Me and Melo were still kissing and I was blown away by him kissing me that we were kissing for like 1 minute

Makayla: Ok u two lovebirds break it up

Eli: Geez it's like they wanna kiss again

Me: No I think I'm good...for now

Jasmine: Oh Jesus

Kemissa: Oh lord help us with these two

Me and LaMelo just kept staring at each other and we were just smiling and we continued our game

LaMelo: So?

Me: So

LaMelo: Does this mean can we go on another date tonight

Me: Yea...sure

LaMelo: Great it's going to be special tonight

Me: I bet it is

He gave me a kiss on my cheek and I started to blush bright red and he did too and he left and he winked at me

Makayla: Well well well...J is in love

Me: I might be in love but who knows I have another date tonight with LaMelo and he said it's special tonight

Jasmine: Oooh

Me: Shut up

LaMelo POV

I was in the locker room with Don Phaquan Eli Will and Zo and Gelo changing so we can go home

Gelo: So Melo the kiss was it good

Me: In my opinion it was the best kiss

Don: Are u going on another date again

Me: Yea it's tonight and I want it to be special

Quan: U have us to help u

Will: We will make it awesome

Me: Thanks guys

Zo: Yea we know u really like the girl

Me: Yea I really do

We left the locker room and went back to the gym watched the girls waiting for us and then Jordan came up to me and gave me a hug and it felt so warm

Jordan: Thanks Melo I had fun and ready for our date tonight

Me: Welcome J and get ready it's going to be awesome

Jordan: I'll believe it when I see it

She gave me a peck on the cheek and left with Makayla Jasmine and Kimi

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