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It was really early in the morning and I didn't see LaMelo nor I didn't see Aiden

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It was really early in the morning and I didn't see LaMelo nor I didn't see Aiden. I guess they've  already left. I decided to get up, go use the bathroom, and start my shower.

I did the rest of routine and then just changed into Melo's old jersey and some spandex's and went downstairs seeing both of my parents making breakfast. " Well, if it isn't my lovely parents, you've guys been gone for a while now. "

" Yeah, now we decided that we missed home and that we should come home with some good news. " My dad said and I was looking so confused as to what then meant.

" Your about to be a big sister Jordan ! " My mom said jumping up and down. I was doing the same giving her a hug.

I'm going to be a big sister... that's something that I'll have to get use to from now on. I sat down at the table eating my breakfast and texting people on my phone when I hear the doorbell ring. " I'll get it. "

I went up to the front door opening seeing a bouquet of roses and it was from LaMelo and Aiden. I took the roses in the kitchen taking the little note from the roses and reading the note.

We hope that you have a special and important ahead of with full of surprises in store for you. ~ love your babies Melo and Aiden.

I went upstairs to my room changing into some clothes.

I got my phone and left the house going to my car and driving to the store to buy a few things for me

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I got my phone and left the house going to my car and driving to the store to buy a few things for me.

I then made it to Target and I bought some things for the bathroom, kitchen, and bedrooms and bathroom for the house and got me something to eat. " I kept calling LaMelo to see where he was, but he hasn't answered any of my calls or text... even my friends haven't called or texted me either.

I tried calling LaMelo again and he answered on the third ring. " Hey I've been trying to call, where are you ? "

" I'm with Aiden just taking care of him, but I have a very big surprise for you and I want you to be very happy about it. "

" Ok, what's the surprise ? "

" I'll have to text it to you but it's something you'll never forget I promise you that. " He said.

He ended the call texting me some kind of address. I had this confused look on my face and I just went with it and left the mall walking to my car. I drove to the address that he sent me, but before I did I had to get me some Starbucks.


I seen a few cars in front of the house and I noticed Melo with Aiden smiling at each other which made me smiled from ear to ear

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I seen a few cars in front of the house and I noticed Melo with Aiden smiling at each other which made me smiled from ear to ear.

I turned off my car and got out and walked to them giving them both kisses in the cheek. " Why are here, and who's house is this ? "

" You'll just have to wait and see. " He said. I took Aiden from him giving multiple kisses. We walked inside the house seeing Kemissa,Jasmine and everyone else inside.

" Why's everyone, and please tell me what's going on ? " I said.

" I just needed to ask one question ? " LaMelo said.

I nodded my head making him continue what he was about to say. " So, how do you look our new home. "

I looked at him with a shocked face and people were clapping and gave LaMelo a hug having a tear come out of my eye giving him a kiss. " There's one more thing that I have to do. " He said.

He got down on one knee making me cry more tears covering my mouth with Aiden kissing my cheek.

" Will you marry me, Jordan

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" Will you marry me, Jordan. " He said.

I nodded my head, him taking my hand and putting the ring on it and he kissed me hearing people cheering and clapping for us. " I love you Jordan. "

" I love you and Aiden too. "

I love my whole family in every way.

I'm done this book is over and it's really been good journey for this book but it has to come to and end.

Y'all go read the new t@agged book that I have out.

But farewell to this book

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