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This is gonna be a very long chapter

Jasmine POV

I was at those balls house cuz I slept work Lonzo and I was going to the kitchen to get something when I heard LaMelo crying

Me: Umm...LaMelo are u ok

LaMelo: No... I'm still trying to call Jordan and I miss her and I fucked up and I need to fix this

Me: Well I know her parents already left...so we can leave so u can apologize to Jay

LaMelo: Thanks Jas

I left his room and I guess Zo heard us so he wanted to go too so we left the house and I mean it wasn't even today far

Me: Jordan are u home

Lonzo: Jordan !!!

LaMelo: Jordan plz answer me

But we didn't hear anything so we went up to her room

Me: Jay come on get up or I'll take the covers off of u

She didn't say anything but when I took off the covers she wasn't there and then I got scared and had a panic attack

Me: OMG Jordan where are u !!!

Lonzo: Jordan !!!

LaMelo: I looked everywhere she is not in this house

We went outside and we looked outside but nothing but one thing I did notice was a not

Whoever is reading this and calling out my name I'm not here but the only way u can find is u have follow clue u find along the way but now u find the first clue so now find the second that I love to do the most

Hint: I do it when I'm bored

Lonzo: What does she mean by that

Me: Something she does when she is bored like what

LaMelo: Basketball she loves to do basketball when she's bored

Lonzo: But which court would she go to

Out of nowhere I hear something ringing on the house and I go back into her room and seen that there is a note on it

Good try but not basketball it's something else that I like to do work the girls all the time

Hint: It's very big

Me: Mall... she's talking about the mall

Lonzo: Then let's go to the mall

We left the house and we drove straight to the mall and we found our third note or clue

I'm sorry but I'm not here but he is something to cheer up u someone will come up to with a map any second now

Me: Great who are we waiting for

???: Umm me

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