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LaMelo POV

It was the end of the day and me and my brothers and Eli were going to the gym and trying out for the boys basketball team

Lonzo: Melo what do u think of this school

Me: I like especially the girls here tho

Gelo: U mean Jordan

Me: Yea Jordan she's really cute

Eli: But u know she doesn't like u right

Me: Yea but she will like me and I will make her mine

I wasn't paying any attention when I was talking to guys when I bumped into someone

Jordan: Hey LaMelo and what do u mean u are going to someone urs

Me: I wasn't talking about Jordan

Jordan: Than who were u talking about the Melo

Lonzo and Gelo: He was talking about u

Me: Fuck u guys

Jordan: Really...but like I said LaMelo I don't like so u have to prove it to me then

Me: Ok then see me at the court

Jordan: Ok

Jordan left with her friends and sat down on the bleachers and waited to see me play basketball

*After Basketball*

Me and my brothers and Eli made the team and we got our stuff and I waited to see Jordan say somthin to me

Jordan: Ur not bad for a new kid

Me: Well do u play

Jordan: Playing when I was little

Me: Well I would like to see u play 1v1 with me

Jordan: Ok...one day

She walks away and turned around and winked at me and left the gym

Eli: It seems like u gotta crush on Jordan now

Me: Bro shut up

Lonzo: Bro u know it's true even when u two first met

Gelo: U two look cute together tho

Me: Thanks but I don't think I'm gonna be getting her number anytime soon

Eli: Why

Me: U heard her she doesn't like me but I have to try harder

Lonzo: Well u better cuz if u don't she might have a boyfriend before u even know it

I nodded my head and we left in Lonzo's car and we made it to the house and I went inside the house and seen my mom

Mom: How was u guys first day here

Lonzo: I liked it but Melo liked it even more

Mom: Oooh what's this about

Gelo: He has a crush on this girl...Jordan

Lavar: Woah my son has a crush I would like to meet her one day

Me: Well she's playing hard to get with me so I don't u will be meeting her anytime soon

Lonzo: Well u better try ur hardest cuz she's really cute

Me: Wait don't u like her friend Jasmine and Gelo don't u like Kimi and what about Eli u I bet u like Makayla

Shut up !!!

I went up to my room and I turned on my tv and played 2k

Jordan  POV

I was walking home with Makayla Kimi and Jasmine and we were making videos on Snapchat and they said they were going to stay at my house until they went home

Kemissa: So Jordan do u like Melo

Jordan: Ummm...no I don't like him ok

Jasmine: What why don't u like him he is cute

Me: Look I know u guys like all of them but LaMelo oh plz

Makayla: Well u can tell he likes u cuz he can't even look away from u when he is trying to look at somethin else

Me: Well I'm sorry for LaMelo but he's ok and I don't him he has to try harder to for him to have my feeling for him so I'm playing hard to get u heard me now

Kemissa and Jasmine: Yea

We made it to my house and we went up to my room and we changed into our sleepwear and we watched some tv and then we ate some and then we decided to go live in instagram

Hello Beautiful Readers ❗️

What did u think of this chapter

What will happen on the Instagram live

Will there be drama next time

What will happen with Jordan and LaMelo

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