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It was the middle of the day and LaMelo just got home from practice with the JBA and I finally put Aiden to sleep with LaMelo sleeping on top of me

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It was the middle of the day and LaMelo just got home from practice with the JBA and I finally put Aiden to sleep with LaMelo sleeping on top of me. My two boys are tired as hell, but I'm bored tired than ever.

I had to clean out this whole from top to bottom and then having to cook and then feed Aiden. It's been stressful for the past few weeks.

" Melo ... Melo get up. " I said moving so he could get up.

He got up and took Aiden from and I went to the bathroom and did my business and went back to the living room and seen LaMelo and the baby went back to sleep. I was smiling hard and then realized something.

I know I'm still staying in my parents house and that I need a new house for us to stay in besides my parents. I really need to look for a new house for us.

I just went upstairs to my room and just wanted some me time and just watched some TV and some snacks when I hear LaMelo and Aiden coming upstairs.

" He wanted to be with mommy ... I did too. "

I smiled in enjoyment and got Aiden and he just messed with face and I kept kissing his little hands.

" So, what do we have planned for tomorrow ? " I asked LaMelo.

" I'm going to be taking care of things while you get to be by yourself for a few hours. " He said.

" What do you mean I'll be by myself ? " I asked him.
" That means I'll be taking Aiden from you for a few hours and you can have you some " you time " while we're gone. " LaMelo said.

" Hmph ... if that means being alone than I'm glad ... and I love you for that Melo. " I said giving him a kiss.

" And you too Aiden. " I said kissing his little nose.

LaMelo and Aiden were cuddled up on me which made me feel safe and loving by my two boys who I love so much and take care for everything single day and night.

It was now time for bed which meant giving Aiden a bath and preparing his bottle so he can go to sleep for tonight. So, while LaMelo was taking his shower I get Aiden undressed for his bath.


I didn't know what to do with his hair so I just put it up in a little bun

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I didn't know what to do with his hair so I just put it up in a little bun. I gave Aiden to Melo watched the movie Trolls while I went downstairs to make his bottle.

As I did my whole bottle routine to make his bottle I was going to go straight to the room but I really had to use the bathroom in which I did and when I made it back into my room.

My whole mood changed and a little smile formed on my face.

I just turned off the TV and put Aiden in his room giving him his bottle making go right back to sleep

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I just turned off the TV and put Aiden in his room giving him his bottle making go right back to sleep. I went back to my room and I turned off the lights and I got comfortable in my bed feeling LaMelo putting his arms around me and put his fake in my neck.

" Goodnight beautiful. " He said which made me giggle.

" Goodnight handsome. "


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