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Jordan  POV

It was night time and me and Melo went to Five Guys and we went back to Chino Hills and we just kept listening to music

Me: Thanks for the date tonight I had fun

LaMelo: Yea me too I hope we get to do this again

Me: Yea

He opened the door for me and we walked around cuz he parked two blocks away from my house and he took me to my house

Me: LaMelo I could've walked home

LaMelo: I wasn't gonna let u walk home by yourself

Me: Awww that's so sweet

LaMelo: Shut up

Me: I'll see u tomorrow Melo

I was about to open my door when LaMelo grabbed my arm and turned me around to see his face and he kissed me and I had butterflies in my stomach

LaMelo: Yea I'll see u tomorrow J

He left in his car and went back to his house and I opened my door and I went to my room and I forgot the Jasmine Kimi and Makayla were here and they were just staring at me

Makayla: How was the date

Kemissa: What did y'all do

Jasmine: Did y'all kiss

Me: Guys calm down I'll tell u guys

Makayla: Yay

Me: In the morning tho

Kemissa: Girl I should slap u right now

Me: Really guys I'm tired and I wanna go to sleep ok

Them: Ok

So we all changed into our sweatpants and we watched some Netflix and went to sleep

* Next Morning*

I woke up the last one awake so I went into the bathroom I fixed my hair and I went downstairs and got some breakfast

Makayla: So are u gonna tell us what happened last night

Me: Nah I don't feel like it

Mom: Wait now I wanna know what happened so spill the tea

Me: Ok fine I'll tell u

* 5 minutes later *

Kemissa: Aww that's so sweet of him

Jasmine: And I bet u liked the kiss huh

Me: Y'all shut up

Makayla: Girl u know u liked it anyway

Me: Yea I liked it

Jasmine: So are u guys gonna get together now

Me: Nope we decide we wanted to just be friends

Makayla: No...oh hell no !

Me: What's wrong with u guys

Jasmine: What's wrong " we wanted to just be friends" are u kidding me J

Me: What it's like y'all are going to die

Kemissa: We are Melo likes u and u like him and u two should dating

Me: Mom can u help me out plz

Mom: Sorry I can't help u there...anyway I have to get to work and u girls better get ready for school too

Me: Mom?!

Kemissa: So about this whole relationship problem-

Me: Guys forget it...I know u guys want me and Melo to be together-

Makayla: Yea we really do and it's killing us

Me: Well I'm sorry plus I don't he doesn't wanna date me anyway

LaMelo POV

I was woken up from my dad and I was having a good ass dream tho

Lavar: Boi get ur skinny sled downstairs...u have school and get some breakfast

I put on my basketball shorts and I went downstairs to see my brothers

Zo: How was the date last night with Jordan

Gelo: Yea u were all happy last night u couldn't even say anything to us last night

Me: I liked the date and I know she did too and after that...we kissed that's all

Zo: That's all...Melo u were like drunk when u came home all smiling and everything just saying her name

Me: Yea cuz I really really like this girl...but we just wanted to be friends anyway

Gelo: Melo...I should hit u right now but I'm eating

Me: Ok

Zo: Why did u guys wanna be friends

Me: We just wanted too I mean we trust each other but we aren't ready for that commitment yet

Gelo: Are u sure about that Melon

Me: First if yes and second of all don't call me Melon ever again

Zo: Sure...but I have one question for u

Me: Ok what is it

Zo: Do u really wanna be friends with the girl u really like Melo

I paused for a minute and thought to myself if I really like this girl I just don't wanna be friends because I just don't like this girl...I love this girl

Hello Beautiful Readers 💙

Will LaMelo and Jordan just be friends

Or will they try to work this out between them

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