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Jordan POV

I made it back home from thgnd me and Melo had a good talk about what has happened but I don't know if I wanna still be with him again but... anyway I went to my room and took a shower and then changed in to my pajamas and went to bed early

* Next morning *

I heard my alarm go off on my phone and got out of bed and went to the bathroom and and I started my shower and I took off my clothes and took my shower

I then got out of the shower and went to my room and did my face all natural today no makeup and I did my hair and I high ponytail then lotioned up and then put on my clothes for school

I then got out of the shower and went to my room and did my face all natural today no makeup and I did my hair and I high ponytail then lotioned up and then put on my clothes for school

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And I left in my car and went out to pick up Makayla from her house and we went to the store and got some junk food and made it to the school from listening to music so much in my car

Makayla: Soo...are u and Melo talking again ?

Me: I don't know I mean...he I did forgive him cuz I knew it was the skank Ashley's fault

Makayla: Well speak of the devil here she comes

Me: Talking more shit

Ashley: Hey Jordan

Me: Hi...what do u want ?

Ashley: Just wanted to come say and to invite u and it friends to my masquerade ball for my birthday

Me: Thanks...but I might be doing something that night

Ashley: Aww bummer...but if u change ur mind...it's gonna be at a hotel but plz come

She gave me and Makayla our invitations and she left with her group of friends

Makayla: I'm gonna go...are u ?

Me: Let's see...nope

Makayla: Jordan come u need to go

Me: But what if I don't want to

Makayla: Cuz Jordan u can't be stuck in ur room eating cereal and watch TV all day

Me: Fine u got me there...I'll go but I won't be staying there for long

Makayla: Yay!

Jasmine: Did u guys the invitation

Me: Yea u and Kemissa going

Kemissa: Hell yea I'm going !

Me: Well after school we should go shopping for mask and dresses

Jasmine: Alright...after school cuz me and Makayla and should be going to class

Me: Ok me and Kemissa will go to class too

We then separate and walked to our class together and there wasn't really anything to do cuz the teacher doesn't really matter what we do so me and Kemissa just sit at our table and and talk about what we're gonna wear to the party when Melo and Gelo came and sat with us

Gelo: Y'all goin to the party ?

Me: Yea why?

Gelo: Just wondering...cuz I'm gonna take Kemissa and who are u taking ?

Me: Nobody I'm going by myself

Kemissa: Why don't u go with Melo

Me: Why...I was walking by Ashley and her crew and she said she wanted LaMelo to take her

LaMelo: Why would I go with her ?

Me: Well I thought u were dating so...that's pretty much it

LaMelo: Well what if I wanted to take u not Ashley

Me: If u did I would be very happy seeing at my door holding a bouquet of flowers taking me...but that won't happen

LaMelo: Bet


What will happen at the party ?

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