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Jordan POV

I was at home in the living room watching TV and eating ice cream that I had earlier and I heard a knock on the door so I got up an answered it and seen Melo with Wendy's food

I was at home in the living room watching TV and eating ice cream that I had earlier and I heard a knock on the door so I got up an answered it and seen Melo with Wendy's food

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Me: Thank u so much babe

LaMelo: Ur welcome what have u been doing all by ur self here ?

Me: Eating

LaMelo: I forget u have someone in ur stomach

Me: Yea...but he's keeping me hungry which I haven't felt like this before

LaMelo: Well let me stay here with u tonight when u parents come home from their vacation plz

Me: I'd love that Melo

We went to the living room and I laid down and on the couch while Melo laid his head on my stomach while I ate my burger and fries and Melo started to say something to me

LaMelo: I'm happy we're having a baby...I'm gonna be a father

Me: I'm gonna be a mother...this is a big change for us

LaMelo: I know...and I'm happy to take that step with u

Me: Me too

I gave him a passionate kiss and he interwinded our hands and we watched a movie together until we both feel asleep


I was sitting in this couch but myself when I smelled something good coming from the kitchen and I seen Melo cooking and it looked so cute seeing him cook for me

Me: So... what are u making ?

LaMelo: Spaghetti and Texas toast

Me: Let's share a plate...ok ?

LaMelo: Fine with me baby

He finished the spaghetti and toast and put it on a big plate and he put just enough spaghetti and toast that it looked delicious

He finished the spaghetti and toast and put it on a big plate and he put just enough spaghetti and toast that it looked delicious

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We sat at the table and ate the spaghetti together and it was cute being with Melo eating food together just use two it's... relaxing

LaMelo: I love doing this with u

Me: I do too...it's showing that I love u even more

LaMelo: I can't wait to see my baby boy soon... did u pick out a name ?

Me: No I haven't...cuz we ask everyone they're going to keep annoying must both

LaMelo: Yea...so we have to come up with a name

Me: Can we it soon I'm tired and I wanna go to bed

LaMelo: Let's go to ur room

We put away the play and walked upstairs to my room while I looked for a bra and some shorts

LaMelo: Can I get in with u ?

Me: Really Melo

LaMelo: Do I have to make the puppy face ?

Me: Pool found u can get in the shower with me

We got in the and and kept me smiling by keeping all over me and leaving hickeys on my neck

We then got out of the seller and I changed into my bra and shoes and I laid in my bed while LaMelo feel asleep on my belly keeping me warm until I fell asleep


What should they name the baby boy ?

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