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LaMelo POV

It's already been a your since Aiden went missing and Jordan hasn't said anything after what happened

I went upstairs to my room and seen Jordan holding onto Aidens clothes

Me: Hey...are u ok ?

Jordan: No...I don't have my son anymore he's going with someone that was stupid enough to take him away from me and I-

Me: Look... I'm going to find him...I promise u...I will find him

Jordan: Ok baby...just find him...plz

I gave her a kiss on the cheek and she laid down on my bed playing on her phone and I closed my room door and I went out the front door and got into my car trying to find my son

~| Middle of the night |~

It was already night and my search was a dead end I was still driving when I stopped a stop light when I got frustrated when I turn the corner when I see Aiden with the shadow figure at some unknown restaurant so when the light turned green I parked the car in the parking lot and got out of the car and went into the restaurant and the place seemed ok not fine with someone with my son

Me: Who are u ?

???: The only person who u wanna know

Me: Ashley

She uncovered her face with a ski mask on her face and she had a smirk on her face

Me: Why aren't u far away from here...I thought u were gone...for good ?

Ashley: I escaped...I had to see my son for the first time

Me: But he isn't it ur son...he's Jordan's soon...not urs

Ashley: No...he's mine

Me: No he isn't...and if I have to prove that to u...we can leave right now

Ashley: Fine

We left the restaurant and we got into the car and like I said I will show her that isn't her son...so I'll prove it then

What she didn't know that I already the police about what happened so we made it to the police station and we got out of the car

Ashley: Why are we here ?

Me: You'll see

We went inside and the cops already noticed me when I came in with Ashley so they handcuffed hey and she looked at me like I was crazy or something

Ashley: U tricked me ?!?!

Me: I proceed it to u so now...u will be gone... forever

They took her away and she started scream but I didn't care I just got my son back that's all that matters to me

I finally made it home safe with Aiden with me sleeping in my arms I opened the front door to see my Mom and Dad waiting for me in the living room

Lavar: U found him

Me: Yea...I did where's Jordan ?

Tina: She feel asleep in ur room... didn't even come out for dinner...just laying about u and Aiden

I left the living room going upstairs to open my door to see Jordan up pacing back and forth when she seen Ayden she started crying again

Jordan: * crying * U found him...u kept ur promise

Me: I promised to u that I will find him...I kept it

Jordan: * crying * I love u

Me: I love u too

I gave her a kiss and we laid together in bed watching Aiden sleeping the seeing Jordan fall asleep

To think that...I have the perfect women the perfect family already is just the best thing that's ever happened to me and that's what I love about Jordan she's pretty, funny, caring and the best mom in the world to have our son Aiden

I have the perfect women the perfect family already is just the best thing that's ever happened to me and that's what I love about Jordan she's pretty, funny, caring and the best mom in the world to have our son Aiden

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I'll miss the first date that we had all the fun times we had before we had Aiden but he had a few bump in the roads but we still made it work

And I'll never forget one day when she told me she's loved very much and when she said " I feel in love with the New Boy"

And I loved her even more


Guys I'm sorry to say this but... that's the end of this book and...I hope u guys enjoyed I know I did this was a good book and I enjoyed writing too but...

There's more to come 😀

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