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Jordan POV

Everybody was happy that I was now back like remembered everything even what happened with Ashley but I have to get her back with what she did

I was meeting Melo Zo Gelo Jasmine Makayla and Kemissa at my house so we had to talk about the plan about Ashley

LaMelo: So what's the plan ?

Me: It has to be something that can blow her away

Jasmine: Like what she's good at doing things it might not be possible-

Me: It will be there's only one thing that will keep her talking is-

LaMelo: what are we gonna do ?

Me: U have to make her think that really love her I mean really love u are gonna meet her at the park tonight and tell her how u feel...she will maybe tell u if she pushed me down the stairs

LaMelo: Are u sure u wanna do this ?

Me: As much as I really hate Ashley I wanna do this...she pushed me so I wanna get her back too

Zo: We meet up at the park tonight to see if this actually works

Gelo: Well we're gonna have hide so she won't see us

Makayla: Don't worry I know some good places in the park

Kemissa: Alright we have a plan let's just this works

Me: Oh it's gonna has to

~| At the park |~

It was the middle of the night and the plan was going ok we just had to wait for Ashley to come

LaMelo: Are u sure ?

Me: Look I know u don't like her but plz...for me

LaMelo: Ok

I gave him a kiss and we seen Ashley's car pull up to the park so I went to my car and waited for what was gonna happen I had gave Melo a ear piece so I can tell him what to say to Ashley

Ashley: Hey baby

LaMelo: Hey babe I missed u so much

Ashley: I missed u u and Jordan aren't together anymore

Me: * to Melo * Nope we been broke up...I wanted to be with u

Ashley: That's so sweet

LaMelo: So...what were u doing yesterday ?

Ashley: I was...doing something

LaMelo: Come on...I won't tell anybody

Ashley: I went to Jordan's house

LaMelo: Why were u at her house last night ?

Ashley: Cuz I wanted to so

LaMelo: So...that doesn't explain why u were there

Ashley: Cuz I was there's nothing to say !

LaMelo: Yes their is why were u at Jordan's house last night ?

Ashley: Cuz I was the who pushed her off the stairs ok !

LaMelo: Did everyone hear that right ?


Ashley: What's going on !

Me: U mean how u got exposed !

Ashley: U guys tricked me ...I'm gonna get u for this

Makayla: Well that's to bad...the cops are coming to get u for what u did so u can't do anything

Ashley: I'll get u back for this

Me: Well that's not gonna happen I won...u loss

The cops finally came and the took Ashley to the station and we were all happy that now we don't have to worry about Ashley anymore messing with us

Me: The plan worked perfectly

LaMelo: Ur really smart

Me: I know

Zo: Let's go celebrate at Six Flags

LaMelo: Are u coming ?

Me: Of course let me do something for real quick

They all went to the van while I sat on the bench just thinking about where I stand with everything this like with brother and another secret I'm dealing with right now that has to stay secret for now but for now

I'm happy that bitch is gone...for good !


What's her big secret she's hiding ?

Finally Ashley's gone for good !

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