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This chapter is a good idea from yassgurl1738 I hope u like it and people give me more ideas to write for me

Jordan POV

I made it to the hospital and I asked the lady what room he was in

Me: Excuse me what room is-

Nurse: LaMelo Ball is yea people were hoping for u to some he is in room 208

Me: Ok thank u

I went to the elevator and went to the floor that I was supposed to be at and found room 208 and seen LaMelo sleep and his leg was in a cast and his arm was as well

Me: * I'm so sorry that this happened to u I wish we could now work this out but I wanna do it when u wake up*

LaMelo: I feel like I was pushed by someone right now and why am I in the hospital

Me: Oh my gosh LaMelo are u ok

LaMelo: Yea I think so I just remember going to ur house and trying to work things out when out of nowhere I get hit by a truck or somethin

Me: Wait u were trying to come talk to me about-

LaMelo: Why I was sorry about the whole Ashley thing that happened

Me: It's not ur fault it's that skanks fault but not urs

LaMelo: I know that's why I love u for it

Me: I love u too papi

LaMelo: I love it when u call me that

Me: Yea I know that's why I call u that

LaMelo: Are u gonna stay with me

Me: Yea I'm never leaving u but I might when I have to use the bathroom tho

LaMelo: U are crazy

Me: I'm always crazy for u Melo

He scooted over some so I can get into the bed with him and so we watched some movies on the tv and I fell asleep quick as a light

He scooted over some so I can get into the bed with him and so we watched some movies on the tv and I fell asleep quick as a light

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Liked by Gelo,  DMO and 70,022 others
DuhhItzJordan<3: Even tho u in the hospital I still love u no matter what happens to us 🤞🏽

Gelo: Happy and Strong 🤞🏽
Kimi🥀: Real couple goals 💍
Jasmineisbae❤️:Hope Melo is ok
Ashley Alvano: U don't deserve each other
Will Puma: ^ Girl u don't deserve ur self with Melo
PDtheKid: ^ Oh lawwwd
Denise Garcia: That's so cute 😍

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*Still at the Hospital*

I woke up from my sleep and I looked up to see Melo still sleeping I tried to get up but he hugged me from I couldn't get up

LaMelo: Nooo don't leave

Me: I have to get home

LaMelo: Well can u just text ur mom so u can stay I don't wanna be hear by myself

Me: Fine

LaMelo POV

I waited for Jay's mom to answer her text cuz I don't want Jordan to leave me I can't stand being by myself sometimes

Jordan: Ur lucky I love u she said yes and she bringing us some pizza

Me: Yes I get to be with my beautiful girlfriend

Jordan: And I get to be with my handsome boyfriend

Me: I love u Jay

Jordan: I love u Melo

Hello Beautiful Readers 💜

What did u think of this chapter

Do u guys wanna see more fights with Jordan and Ashley

And more fights with LaMelo

Will there be more drama with Jordan Melo and Ashley  

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