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LaMelo POV

Me and Jordan were still at this meadow while she was sleeping on me looking so peaceful and quiet this is it's her quiet place huh...but anyway I was looking around this message and seen little notes that Jordan wrote

Jordan I'm happy right now about I hope u are happy too about for u to remember me by coming to my secret place while I'm gone and keep all of ur secrets here at this meadow able I love u will right while u are here

I love u Jasmine and miss u very much

Love Noah

Noah this is my first time writing and I really miss u very much but now I'm happy with someone who loves me for Jordan not for nobody else and I know u are happy too

I love u Noah and miss u too

Love Jordan

I was questioning on why Jordan was writing letters up and who was Noah anyway and did Jordan never tell me

Jordan: * yawning * Hey

Me: Good sleep

Jordan: Best one I've had in a long time...do I get a kiss first

Me: After u explain this...who is Noah

I seen Jordan's face go white able sure snatched this notes from my hands

Jordan: Umm nothing there nothing

Me: There is something u love and miss him why are I telling another guy u love him

Jordan: He was special to me that's why

Me: Well can u tell me why he is special to u

Jordan: I can't...it's private and I only told people that I love

Me: But not me

Jordan: Look...I'm sorry but I can't tell it's a secret

Me: Fine then don't tell...don't tell me anything I'm leaving

Jordan: Wait LaMelo

I just left and I was so pissed and not turning back and I thought I could be with someone who could tell me anything I guess not who is Noah but since she wouldn't tell so I called someone to clear my head

Me: Hey Ashley I need a favor

Ashley: Come one over

Jordan POV

I seen Melo leave and I just stared and sighed at the thought of what the hell just happened but if u already knew that those notes were from my brother we would write before he was gone or and when I'm down or angry...at the world I would write down how I feel

Noah I wish u were here right now but I know u can't be but I just wanna know

Is everything gonna be ok ?

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