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Jordan POV

Doctor: U are having a healthy little boy

Jasmine: I think I'm gonna faint... Jordan I'm proud of you

Me: I am too

I'm happy that I'm having a boy I just hope Melo will be happy about it


I let Makayla drop me off at the Ball house and she will pick me up later on so I went up to the door to see Zo

Zo: Hey Jordan wassup ?

Me: Umm...I need to talk to Melo...it's very important

Zo: He's outside playing basketball

Me: Ok thanks

Zo: Oh by the way... congrats on the baby

Me: Jasmine told u huh ?

Zo: U can never keep that full quiet

Me: Yea u really can't... but thanks

Zo: Welcome

I went out to see LaMelo playing basketball and he missed a shot

Me: That was a terrible throw !

LaMelo: Hey...what are u doing here now ?

Me: I came to tell u something...very important

LaMelo: What is it...are u breaking up with me ?

Me: No I'm not breaking up with u...it's just that I hope u will still look at me the same way

LaMelo: I'll always look at u the same way...so what is it ?

Me: U know when we first started dating...u know how we talked about kids

LaMelo: Yea ?

Me: What did u say when we talked about that

LaMelo: I remember saying that I'll love u when we have a child together...even if it was a girl or boy

Me: Well...how would u feel about having a boy

LaMelo: Wait...what are you saying... Jordan are you pregnant ?

Me: LaMelo...we are having a healthy little boy !


Me: U don't want the whole world to know

LaMelo: I'm just happy...with u...and my son

Me: I just didn't think u wouldn't love me like u always do

LaMelo: Doing ever say that...I'll always Love u the same way

Me: I love knowing that Melo

LaMelo: Why don't we...go get something to eat and then go to ur house ?

Me: I need that right now I'm already craving some food !


What will happen next ?

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