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Skip to Friday

Jasmine POV

It was now Friday and there wasn't any school cuz they cancelled it so me Kemissa and Makayla went to Jordan's house to see if she is feeling better today

Me: I hope she's ok

Kemissa: Yea the girl been sick when we got back from our trip

Makayla: Oh how was the trip guys

Me: It was so fun we went to different places and went to the beach and to a waterfall

Kemissa: It was really fun

Me: Well Jordan has all of the photos we took she's gonna have to show u them

We made it to Jordan's house and seen that her parents were home so we got out of my car and went to the front door and her mom opened the door

Mrs. Lopez: Well hi girls come in

Me: Hi where's Jordan ?

Mrs. Lopez: She's in her room watching TV and eating cereal...and she's still not feeling any better

Kemissa: Well...we came by to visit her if that's ok

Mrs. Lopez: Of course she would love u guys to stay

Makayla: Thank u Mrs. Lopez we will be leaving soon cuz he have to do something after this

We went upstairs to Jordan room and we opened the door and seen her eating her cereal and playing on her phone

Jordan: * sniffing * Hey girls

Me: Hey... u look miserable

Jordan: Cuz I am miserable I've been n this bed for so long it feels like I forgot to stand and walk again

Kemissa: We missed u at school...it's boring without u

Jordan: Really?

Makayla: Yes really...we have nothing to do in gym besides play basketball with the boys

Jordan: But their ur boyfriend's right ?

Me: Yea but...we need u there besides playing with them

Jordan: * sniffing * Well if I wasn't stuck in bed and being sick all day I would love to be at school with u girls but...I can't

Makayla: We know already...where's Melo ?

Jordan: I haven't seen him today probably at home

Kemissa: Well... we're gonna leave u here so u can rest and we'll come over later tonight

Jordan: Ok

Jordan POV

Jasmine Kemissa Makayla left my house and I guess went somewhere and I stayed in bed I decided to get out of bed and go to the bathroom and took a shower

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