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Jordan POV

I opened my eyes to see my in a hospital room looking to see my mom talking to the doctor while dad was waiting to see me wake up

Me: What happened ?

Dad: Good ur awake !

Me: Can someone tell why I'm here ?

Doctor: U slipped in hurry ur head feel into the pool at a hotel

Me: Well...when can I leave here ?

Doctor: U can when ur parents sign the forms and then u can leave

Me: Good

* At home *

We made it back home and I went to my room and changed into my shorts and got on my laptop and FaceTime Jasmine

Jasmine: Hey are u ok ?

Me: Yea I'm fine...they said that I bruised my head but the gave me some cream for it and done bandages for it but overall...I'm fine

Jasmine: Good are u still coming to school tomorrow ?

Me: Yea just to see u girls that's all

Jasmine: Ur gonna have to talk to Melo about what happened

Me: Maybe...but I'll see u at school tomorrow I'm going to bed

Jasmine: Ok pick me up tomorrow...I love u

Me: Love u too

I ended the call and I put away my laptop and I heard my phone go off and I got a text from Melo

Melo : Plz answer me I need to talk to u are u ok ?

I didn't text so I put my phone on my bedstand and went to sleep

* Morning *

I hear my alarm go off so I got our of bed and went to the bathroom and took a shower

I got out of the shower and I did my hair and put on some lotion and then put on my outfit

I got my car keys and went to pick up Makayla and Jasmine and went to Starbucks and got some coffee and went to school

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I got my car keys and went to pick up Makayla and Jasmine and went to Starbucks and got some coffee and went to school

Me: I'm gonna go to my locker I'll meet u guys later

Jasmine: Ok

Makayla: Meet us in the courtyard when ur done

I went to my locker and I was putting my stuff away and when I was about to close it Melo came to my locker

Me: * sarcastic * Where's ur girlfriend ?

LaMelo: Don't do that

Me: * sarcastic laughing * Like what ?!

LaMelo: Trying to be like me...it's not gonna work

Me: * still being sarcastic * Yes if u should ask...I'm I bruised my head and I will be fine for now...so how are u LaMelo with Ashley ?

He pushed me against the wall put my hands up while I was staring at him just smiling

LaMelo: Ur testing my patience

Me: I like seeing u get mad...it's cute

I got out of his grip while he was smirking at me while I was laughing and smiling at the same time

* End of school *

The bell rung I was going to open my car for when it was closed again when someone kissed me

Me: Woah

LaMelo: Now will u stop be funny and just listen

Me: Fine

LaMelo: I didn't know she was gonna do that in front of u

Me: Well it's not ur fault it's ur girlfriend

LaMelo: She's not my girlfriend

Me: Well to her she is ur girlfriend

LaMelo: Can I come to ur house tonight plz ?

Me: Yea


What will happen with LaMelo and Jordan ?

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