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~1 week later~

Jordan POV

We have gotten home last week from our road trip and it was fun just riding to new places but when I got home I got very sick while everyone else was at school that I decided to post a pic on snap

We have gotten home last week from our road trip and it was fun just riding to new places but when I got home I got very sick while everyone else was at school that I decided to post a pic on snap

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Meanwhile while I was sick I was playing on my PlayStation and eating ice cream and watching TV amd I got a text from Melo

Melo💕: Hey do u need me to come to ur house to make u feel better

Me: That will probably help but after school ok ?

Melo💕: Ok do u want anything ?

Me: Some chocolate that's all

Melo💕: Ok ily💓

Me: I love u too 💓

End conversation


I was then sleeping in my bed and I'm tired and sick and I feel somebody's body on top of me keepin me warm and I see it's Melo sleep so I get out of the bed and went downstairs and went to the fridge to find something to eat and I see a sleepy Melo coming downstairs

Me: Hi

LaMelo: Hey... whatcha looking for ?

Me: Somethin to eat...why are u even up I thought u were we're gonna stay sleeping ?

LaMelo: I was until I felt that u weren't even there

Me: Aww u like sleeping with me ?

LaMelo: Yea cuz I love even when ur sick

Me: I love u too Melo...but I love food too and I'm hungry for some McDonald's

LaMelo: Wanna go get some and come back to the house ?

Me: Let's go

We left the house in Melo car and drove to McDonald's and I let him go inside to get and pay for our food while I stayed in the car with my blanket and played on my phone and I look up to see Melo and Ashley talking and I got skeptical to see what they were talking about so I went inside thinking I had to use the bathroom

LaMelo: Ashley...I don't like u anymore I'm happy in the relationship that I'm in now... that does make me happy

Hearing him say that made me really happy and love him even more...so I went back to the car and I was still on my phone when Melo came into the car

Me: I love u Melo

LaMelo: * chuckling * What I do ?

Me: Telling Ashley what u said about us

LaMelo: Well I really meant it Jordan...I really love u

Me: I love u too Melo

We then left McDonald's and we made it back home and we went to my room and watched a movie and I took a pic of my food and posted it on snap

And I then went to the bathroom to change into different pajamas and I laid down on my bed and Melo but his head on my stomach and that helped a lil bit with him here

Me: I like that ur here with me

LaMelo: I'm happy that I'm here with u Jordan

I was then watching the movie and I see Melo recording me on Snapchat

Me: Really Melo...I'm sick I don't want people to see me I look ugly right now

LaMelo: Don't say that...ur beautiful even when u are sick

He ended the video and took my head and kissed me

LaMelo: I love u Jordan

Me: I love u too Melo

He then got off my stomach and cuddle next to me while I was resting my head on his bare chest and fell asleep

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