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Jordan POV

It was finally Friday and it was school and I have a date with LaMelo

I got out of bed and I put my hair in a messy bun and went into my bathroom and I washed my face and brushed my teeth and I rinsed my mouth and went downstairs for some breakfast

Me: *yawning* Good morning everyone

Dad: Good morning sleepy head

Mom: Well what do want for breakfast today

Me: Somethin easy on my stomach I'm not that hungry actually

Mom: How does driving to Starbucks sound

Me: Good for me

Mom: Well get ready and me and dad can get u some Starbucks

Me: Ok

Dad: Hurry up then

I ran upstairs and I took my shower and I put on some lotion and I put on my outfit and I went back downstairs and I got in the car and we went to Starbucks

We made it to Starbucks and I ordered my drink and I let my mom take a pic for me so I can post it on Instagram

We made it to Starbucks and I ordered my drink and I let my mom take a pic for me so I can post it on Instagram

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DuhhitzJordan<3: At Starbucks 🍓❤️

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Jasmineisbae❤️: I want some Starbucks now
Kimi🥀: Girrrrl u got my fave drink ❗️❗️❗️
Melo: 😍😍😍
Zo:^ oh lawdddd
Gelo: Looking cute and all 😩😩😩

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I got into the car and they drove me to school

*At lunch*

I was at my table with my group *Just Makayla Jasmine and Kimi* and I got me some pizza while they got salads and we played on my phone when someone made a conversation

Jasmine: So what were u and Melo talking about yesterday

Me: Well...he came to talk to me about u guys and how he wanted to take me on a date

Kemissa: Jordan

Me: What

Makayla: U said yes

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