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Jordan POV

It was 6:00 in the and I was laying with Melo in my bed while he was snoring so loud I wanted to hit him with a pillow so I hit em with a pillow and I just started laughing so hard

LaMelo: Really Jordan

Me: Well u were snoring so loud and it was funny will I hit u with it

LaMelo: Come here

Me: * laughing * No

LaMelo: * laughing * Yes come here

He started to chase me around the room a and he just jumped on me and helps on to my wrist and we just kept smiling at each other

Me: Let me go!

LaMelo: I will if u give me a kiss first

Me: I'll think about it

LaMelo: Then I'm not gonna let u go

Me: * laughing * Fine !

I gave him a passionate kiss and I didn't feel like letting go and then my door came open able we enter this kiss

Jasmine: Oops my bad

Me: No wassup

Jasmine: I don't needed to talk to u...I actually need to talk to Melo really quick

LaMelo: Yea sure

LaMelo POV

I left the room and I followed Jasmine in this kitchen cuz I really know that she wants to talk about Zo

Me: So...what did u wanna talk about

Jasmine: I wanna talk about Lonzo

Called it 😋

Me: What u wanna talk about Zo for

Jasmine: I wanna talk about if he really does love Melo...does he love ?

Me: Jasmine the only thing I could tell is today he really does love u and if he does anything stupid to u I'll kill him for u

Jasmine: Thank Melo for the advice...and I'll do the same to u too if u hurry Jordan got it

Me: Crystal clear

Jordan: Melo come here I need to talk to u

Jasmine: U can I have to go take a shower anyway

Jordan pulled me away and took me outside with Zo

Me: Ok what's going on I'm tired of giving advice today-

Lonzo: Will u help me with Jasmine plz

Me: What's the plan

Jasmine POV

I got out of the shower and I put on my robe and I did my makeup and straightened my hair and I put on some lotion and then I put on my outfit

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