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I've changed the character of Jordan so I hope u like the new character 💜

I've changed the character of Jordan so I hope u like the new character 💜

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Jordan POV

We left the hotel room the same day cuz we had to go home and pack cuz we are going on a road trip for a few days and I was overwhelmed a lil bit about traveling sometimes

Jasmine and Kimi were at my house while the boys were getting everything together for the trip

Kemissa: I'm excited

Jasmine: Same I get to see more of the world I'd never seen before it's gonna be epic

Me: I'm overwhelmed about going

Jasmine: What?!?

Me: I know...but it's just like I don't wanna go

Kemissa: But we want u to go we can't be this only girls there and-

Jasmine: And Melo can't be the only not there by his self wondering why u didn't come

Me: Yea...u guys are right...ok I'll go with u guys

Jasmine and Kemissa: Yay!!!

We then changed into different clothes and we were listening to music and taking videos on Snapchat and taking some pictures while we were outside waiting for Melo Zo and Gelo to come pick us up

We then changed into different clothes and we were listening to music and taking videos on Snapchat and taking some pictures while we were outside waiting for Melo Zo and Gelo to come pick us up

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Liked by Melo, Zo and Makayla🌷 and 200,100 others

DuhhItzJordan<3: ❤


Melo: U don't love me anymore

DuhhItzJordan<3: @Melo I still love u too 💕
Ashley Alvano: 😒
Makayla 🌷: I miss ug girls wish I was there
Zo: We coming to pick y'all up now

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We were then in Zo's Jeep and we were on your road just having fun I was sitting with Melo while I was on Instagram and he was massaging my feet while Zo and Jasmine were up in the front holding hands and Gelo and Kimi were sleeping in the back of the car

I need to use the bathroom when we stop somewhere

Jasmine: Yea... we've already been the road for 2 hours

Lonzo: We're near a gas station so I can put in some gas while u use the bathroom

Me: Good

We made it to the gas station and I got out of the car and I used the bathroom and I washed my hands and while I was in the store I bought me some Reese's cups and some Doritos and me a coke and bought it and went back to the car

LaMelo: Can I have some ?

Me: Yea

We were then back on the road again and we shared my food and Zo told us we were camping and I never did that before and it's gonna be fun


It was now evening time and we made it to our camp site and we it looked nice and we made the tents and some other people left canoes so that was ok but... overall it looked peaceful

Me: I like it here

Kemissa: It's pretty ❤

LaMelo: Yea it when I'm with u Jordan

Me: I love u

LaMelo: Love u too Jordan

Lonzo: Guys...look up

We all looked up at the sky and we were in awe it was so pretty ❤ with the stars out and everything

We all looked up at the sky and we were in awe it was so pretty ❤ with the stars out and everything

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Lonzo: There's a shooting 🌟

Me: Make a wish ?

LaMelo: Be with u forever

Me: Forever and always baby 💕

I gave him a passionate kiss and then we hugged

I feel happy when I'm with Melo and that's the only thing that I want
Forever and always 💓

Hello Beautiful Readers 💜

What did u think of this chapter

Happy that u guys gave some new ideas now I have some to write soon

HighOnLaMelooo thanks for the idea girlll ❤❤❤

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