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LaMelo POV

When Jordan said she didn't know who I was it made me scared about what was happening right now

Me: Doctor...what's wrong with her ?

Doctor: For right now she has amnesia for when she fell

Me: How long will this last ?

Doctor: I don't know...maybe days even weeks even months

When he said that I got really scared if she was going to be like this... forever

Me: Is she able to go home now ?

Doctor: We would think it's a good thing but for now she has to stay here when she can remember everything...but for now u can stay if u want and bring her family too

Me: Yea thanks

Doctor: Hey...she's gonna be ok I promise

Me: I sure hope so

The doctor left the room and I sat down in the chair and texting everybody to come see Jordan but I know everybody is gonna be very sad about this

Jordan: What's ur name ?

Me: LaMelo

Jordan: Can u tell me what ?

Me: U...fell on ur head when u fell off the stairs

Jordan: Woah...did someone pushed me ?

Me: We don't know for sure yet

Jordan: When they do I'll kill them for what they did

Me: Yea...me too

Jordan: Thanks for taking me here I appreciate it

Me: Welcome...can I ask u a question ?

Jordan: Shoot

Me: Do remember anything I mean anything

Jordan: Nothing

This was really scaring me and I know it was scaring Jordan too I could see it in her eyes

Jordan's parents came and my family came and her friends even came to come see her and when I told them the news I really made upset to why this happened to hey like that

Jordan POV

I was still in the hospital and I still don't remember nobody or anything at this point and I wanted to know who pushed me if the stairs but the only thing I do remember that it someone said something like " stay away from him " and then I was pushed down the stairs and then I can remember what happened after that

Mom: Hey sweetie

Me: Hi... who are you ?

Mom: I'm ur mom and that's it dad over there before u say anything

Me: Oh...do I have any friends that came ?

Jasmine: Right here

Me: And ur-

Jasmine: I'm Jasmine that's Makayla and that Kemissa

Me: Hi girls

~| Middle of the night |~

I was sleeping in the room while everyone left except for LaMelo and he was sleeping too but I was having a dream with me friends and family and work my boyfriend... LaMelo and then I had the same dream again when someone pushed me down the stairs and when the person was talking I noticed it was a girl come and I could only think of one person who would do this... Ashley

Me: Babe... wake up my memories back plz wake up

LaMelo: Are u sure what's my favorite food?

Me: Like u said before... I'm ur favorite food

LaMelo: Oh thanks good... But what wrong I keep hearing u talk about the person who pushed u ?

Me: Yes I do it's Ashely...who else would tell me to stay away from u

LaMelo: That's makes sense..so what are gonna do ?

Me: Don't worry...I have the perfect plan to get her back

And it's gonna get messy 😤


What is Jordan's plan ?

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