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Jordan POV

I went inside the house and seen that my parents left a note * probably at work *  and I went to my room and I took a long shower and I went back downstairs and I went to the kitchen and I made me some ice cream and I ordered a pizza and I watched some TV in the living room and eating ice cream

* Ding dong *

I got up from the couch and I put on my slides and went to open the door and seen Jas Kimi and Kay

Jasmine: Hey what's up with u

Me: * crying* Me and LaMelo aren't together anymore

Makayla: * worried * Oh no Jordan

They gave me a group hug while is was crying again just thinking about it over and over again until we went up to my room and chilled on my bed

Kemissa: So what... actually happened

Me: U can Ashley or LaMelo cuz I don't wanna talk about it

Jasmine: Out we will...cuz I'll kill him

Makayla: Me too...I don't know why he would do that to u

Me: Yea...me neither


LaMelo POV

I made it home safe and I went to my room and I closed my door and I punched the the wall and it left a dent in in the wall and I just started crying about...that I don't have Jordan anymore

Gelo: Hey man what's up with u

Me: Jordan broke up with me

Gelo: What ?!?!

Me: Yea...it's because of what I did

Gelo: What did u do now

Me: I was with... Ashley at Starbucks today when Jordan seen us

Gelo: U know...u were actually stupid to do something like that ?

Me: Yea I know

Gelo: I mean Melo...u had on of the most beautiful girl and now...u lost her

Me: Yea and now...she probably doesn't even wanna talk to me anymore

Gelo: Well u need her to have some space

Me: Yea before she forgives me again


* Next day *

Jordan POV

The girls left last night and went downstairs and I heard that my parents had a business trip and I went to the fridge and got me a bottle of water and got me some grapes and I posted it on snap

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