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LaMelo POV

It early in the morning and I was playing with Aiden on the couch while Jordan was making breakfast in the kitchen

" So are you doing anything today ? " She asked me

" While you have you're alone time by yourself ... I'm gonna be with my son today " I told her playing with Aiden

" That's so sweet ... I like how you're doing this with him I love you for that " She says touching my cheek

" I'd do anything to make you and Aiden happy every single day " I said giving her a kiss

" Here is you guys breakfast ... and I'm gonna get ready for the day " She giving me one more kiss and going to her room

" You ready have some fun Aiden " I said in a baby voice

He started laughing when went to eat his food

Me and Aiden finished our food and went to the living room and played some things if game he plays with his mom all the time and I was having fun with him


Me and Aiden took Jordan's Jeep while she took my lambo and we went to the park and played on the little swings and played with my basketball and I let make a shot so I picked him up and let him dunk the ball

" Yay to little man " I said and he was clapping his hands

We then went to California and walked on the beach and got into the water and ate some ice cream and we bought some new toys for Aidens room

We then both decided to my Jordan some things from her favorite stores

" Aiden ... the white or the black ? " I showed him holding up the shirts and he chose the white shirt

" I think so too " I said to him


Later on in the day and me and Aiden went back home and set up Jordan's surprise

Me and Aiden were really tired so we went to sleep in the room for when Jordan gets home

I put him to sleep while I did watch some TV and then I fell asleep


Jordan POV

I made it home from shopping and get my nails and toes done and I was exhausted from it

I opened the front door to the house and I put all of my bags down and I seen on bag that was in the living room and the bag was big

I was then confused by it and I opened the bag and I seen there was a picture that made me want cry my eyes out

I was then confused by it and I opened the bag and I seen there was a picture that made me want cry my eyes out

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" You like it ? " I hear LaMelo say coming downstairs

" I love it , thank you so much baby "

" You're welcome " He says giving me a kiss


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