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Kemissa POV

I finally get to have a POV for once but that's besides the point is that we have on more day Miami and I wish we didn't have to one more day to leave but tomorrow is Sunday and we have that Monday school and basketball practice too but I wish to have some fun with we leave tho

Me: What should we do today I'm bored

Jordan: Why don't we go to the beach and then we can decide on somethin else today

Makayla: I like the sound of that what do think Jasmine

Me: Jasmine

Jasmine: Umm yeah sounds like fun

Me: Hey...u ok today

Jasmine: Yea im find just clearing my head but let's go to the beach

Me: Well then let's get ready I wanna see some hot guys while I'm there

Gelo: All u care about is hot guy at the beach

Me: Well already met a hot guy today...u

Gelo started to blush so hard and I did too but then us girls decided to change into our bathing suits and we left the hotel and we walked to the beach cuz the hotel is right at the beach

Me: Well I'm gonna get in the water was gonna join me

Jordan: Me

Makayla: Same

Jasmine: Yea count me in for sure

Me: Well in that case hello can u pretty plz take a pic of us

Gelo: Yea and u owe me a favor

Me: Ok deal here's my phone

I gave him my phone and we ran into the water and he took the picture

I gave him my phone and we ran into the water and he took the picture

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Me: Thanks Gelo I'm gonna post it later

Gelo: Well I'm ur personal photographer so do I get anything in return

I gave him a kiss on this on this cheek and he just started to blush real quick and everybody just started to oooooh and I just rolled my eyes

Jordan POV

When we finished taking the photos and me and LaMelo just wanted to sit down in the sand just we did on our first date

Me: How's ur leg feeling

LaMelo: Umm its fine it's healing when I'm with u cuz u make me happy

Me: hmm I bet I do make u happy

LaMelo: Well it's because I love u Jordan

Me: Well I love u too Melo ...can we get into the water now

LaMelo: Fine...let's go

We walked to the water and he held onto my waist and I held onto his hand and I just kept smiling at this thought if how I really love this boy ❤

Makayla POV

I was playing basketball with Eli and I had beat him by 10 points

Me: Hah I won what are u gonna do about that

Eli: Do I get a kiss since ur my girl right

Me: I would say no but...since I won I'll give u kiss

I gave a kiss and we hugged after that

Eli: I love u Makayla

Me: I know u do

Eli: Oh lawddd

Jasmine POV

I was sitting in the sand looking at the water and people passing by holding hands and being happy but I can't be happy right now with what's going on in my life right now

Lonzo: Hey Jas u ok

Me: Yea...I'm just thinking about something

Lonzo: Whatcha thinking about

Me: About what just happened this weekend and how I'm gonna deal with it when we get home...but how am I gonna handle Zo plz tell me how

Lonzo: Well u can handle it because I'm gonna be by ur side when u need me

Me: But u know when we get to school people are gonna ask if we are dating

Lonzo: Well let them think that Jasmine the only things that matters to me is u and only u

Me: But I'm just waiting for the right time for us

Lonzo: And when it's the right time I'll be waiting for u

Me: Pinky promise

Lonzo: I Pinky promise

He gave me a pinky promise and the he gave me a kiss and I smiled at him and I laid my head on his shoulder just looking at the beach

And I'm thinking to myself will Zo be waiting for me when I really do love him

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Will Zo be waiting for Jasmine

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