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Jordan POV

This boys dropped me and the girls off at my house and I told Melo I'll call or text him later ut we went to my room and we laid on my bed discussing about what happened tonight

Jasmine: Bro that was funny as hell

Kemissa: She looked so scared when she found out !

Makayla: That was so fun...I've never had fun like that before

Me: Yea me too but... now it's all over but...some other things need to come out tho

Jasmine: Wait...what do u mean

Makayla: Hold on I have to use the bathroom

Kemissa: But what do u mean...are u not telling us something

Me: Well if u let me finish I can...but when u guys left the hospital when I the doctor had to tell me-

Makayla: OH MY GOD !

Me: Makayla what's wrong

Makayla: UR... PREGNANT !!!

Me: Surprise

Jasmine: That's why you've been sick that week...u were pregnant

Me: Yep

Kemissa: Wow...does LaMelo know

Me: No...I just told my parents they are ok but if I tell him... I'll worry if he doesn't help me with the baby

Makayla: Well if he doesn't...I'll kill him

Kemissa: But we are ur best friends...we will support u all the way

Me: Thanks guys

Makayla: When's the appointment ?

Me: Tomorrow u guys can come if u want

Jasmine: Sure... we'll just stay the night ok ?

Me: Good I needed a sleepover

We all agreed to not tell last about me being pregnant so we had a sleepover so we're went downstairs and ordered some pizzas and watched some movies

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DuhhItzJordan<3: Sleepover 💜

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~| At the appointment |~

Makayla: Drive us to my appointment to see the gender of the baby and I'm actually scared and ex excited at the same time too because I really to tell last today when the appointment is over today

We made it to the building for my appointment and I was waiting for them to call out my n name but it's been like 15 minutes subs they haven't called my name

Nurse: Ms. Lopez ?

Me: That's me

They let my friends come too to see the gender of the baby but now I was in the room waiting for the doctor to come in to check on me

Doctor: Hello Jordan

Me: Hello doctor...are u ready to see this gender

Me: Yes plz

They put the jelly stuff on my stomach and they kept looking at the baby and it almost made me cry seeing my healthy baby in my stomach

Doctor: Do u wanna know the gender now...or do u wanna have a surprise ?

Me and the girls: We wanna know more !

Doctor: U are having a...


What's the gender ?

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