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~| a few months later |~

Jordan POV

I've finally been home since I was at the hospital and I got laid in my bed again but right now I was downstairs eating some lunch and playing on my while Melo was in the room with Aiden when I get a phone call from Makayla

Me: Hey wassup ?

Makayla: Just wanted to check on u and Aiden...how is he by the way ?

Me: Like a dream but...he's in the room with Melo right now

Makayla: That's nice...I'm just happy for u guys it's just so exciting

Me: Yea I know but it's a miracle that I had Aiden I just know Melo is very happy to have his son

Makayla: I don't blame him...but I'll call u later i might come over tonight

Me: Ok

Call End

I put away my phone on the counter and went to the fridge and got me some milk and some cookies and went upstairs to my room and I seen Aiden and Melo sleeping and had to post it on Instagram it was so cute

I put away my phone on the counter and went to the fridge and got me some milk and some cookies and went upstairs to my room and I seen Aiden and Melo sleeping and had to post it on Instagram it was so cute

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Liked by Zo Makayla 🌷 Kemissa 🌹 and 100,900 others

DuhhItzJordan<3: My sleepyhead's 💕

Kemissa 🌹: Cuteee
Makayla: ^ Ikr 💙
Gelo: A father and son bond 💙😆
Zo: ^ 😝

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Later on in the day I was playing with Aiden while Melo was making something in the kitchen he wouldn't tell me what it was but I just ...hope it's good

I was giving Aiden a bath because when Melo is done cooking we were gonna take him to the park so I wanted his body off and I lotioned him up and I put on his polo shirt and shorts and his red Air Jordan 12's

I was giving Aiden a bath because when Melo is done cooking we were gonna take him to the park so I wanted his body off and I lotioned him up and I put on his polo shirt and shorts and his red Air Jordan 12's

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And I picked him up and went downstairs to see Melo was baking some chocolate brownies in the oven

Me: Those smell good babe

LaMelo: I know when they cool of we can hurry and get to the park

Me: Fine with me

I went to the living room playing with Aiden and he was laughing and when I was tickling him

LaMelo: Ready to go ?

Me: Let's go

We left the house and I put Aiden in his car seat as I was sitting by Melo in the car and he was holding my hand and kissed it

Me: What was that for ?

LaMelo: For being a good mother

~| At the park |~

Melo was swinging Aiden in the swing and I was taking pictures while Aiden was smiling and laughing

Me: I love my little family with u and Aiden

LaMelo: I love u both even more

I gave Melo a kiss and hug and I didn't wanna let go cuz I love my life with Melo and Aiden they make me happy again like I never have before and I love that

Me: Ok...we should get some I can put Aiden to sleep

LaMelo: Aight...how does a pizza sound tonight ?

Me: Fine with me

We left the park and we were going to the car but I didn't wanna put Aiden in his car seat so I put him with me between my legs and he was holding my hand and so was Melo

LaMelo: I love u Jordan

Me: I love u too Melo...and u too Aiden

Aiden was now laughing and we drove back to the house listening to music when I feel asleep holding Melo and Aidens hand thinking about my...

The perfect family 💕


What will happen in the next chapter ?

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