Type #1

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Type #1: Author's who hate "over" commenting

These are the ones that get on my nerves the most.

So I'm reading an amazing story with barely any cliches, I comment a few times on the chapter and that's when it happened...

The author replied to my comment.

See this isn't anything necessarily bad or out of the ordinary because some authors actually take the time and read your comments and see one that is just so funny or relatable that they have to reply and let you know.

But oh no, no!

This author just had to reply to my comment to tell me warn me.

And why you may ask?

Well according to this particular author I was "spamming" and "over" commenting and she would take action if I didn't stop.

So after reading this comment my thinking process went somewhat like this:

*Sits there dumbfounded, staring at screen*

Dafuq just happened?

Did I miss something?

Wait, wa-wait! Back the truck up. Did this fool just type what I think they did?


Sorry just had to stop typing for a second cause I'm still somewhat dumbfounded at the stupidity of that reply.

Now if you just so happen to be one of my friends from that comment section, or better yet the author yourself...

Well, congrats to you Sir Author? Would you like a party celebrating your victory or perhaps a glass of wine? Too young to drink? That's fine it's made up and the kind for pregnant people, cause even if it were real I'm not wasting good, French wine on your pointless victory of finding a book and being offended! So yep! Congrats on making it to chapter one!

^See that right there? That's me not giving a flying sh*t, personally to these people.

But this isn't a book on hate, so moving on from my personal pet peeves with these people it's time to actually describe them and give them a run down.

These types of WattPad users can typically be found anywhere and everywhere.

Good ways to define these people are you'll never know unless you actually see it happen or if you actually know the person or perhaps have keen people skills.

Flaws: They get pissed after you comment about five or more times and don't realize that no one keeps tract of there amount of comments on a chapter. Another flaw is that comments are made for feed back and encouragement. If you can't handle that then kindly go to your setting disable commenting and if you can't do that then kindly create a petition and see if WattPad will support you cause.


1. Go to a dictionary.

2. Open said dictionary.

3. Flip through dictionary to the word "spam".

4. Read definition.

5. Learn, love, and live the definition. Treat it lie your baby. Care for it, nurture it, tattoo it to your body, keep it in your heart. Anything that will make it stay with you.

6. If you were too lazy to do steps 1-5, follow steps 7-11.

7. Go on Google.

8. Tap/Click the search bar.

9. Type in"define spam"

10. Read definition.

11. Go back and read step 5.

Congrats you are know probably somewhat cured of your bias!



Every chapter will contain flaws and diagnostics don't worry!

We're spreading the love to all types of WattPad Users so feel free to comment more suggestions!

See? Isn't that better? "Can you feel the love?" (This is Love- Will.i.am. feat. Eva Simpson)

If you know someone like this feel free to send them a link to this chapter.

Gotta go battle in Clan Wars ✌️

Types of WattPad UsersWhere stories live. Discover now