Ch 1. Pei Ying

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Early spring, March.

The prosperous peach blossoms blew in the wind. The pink petals circled in the air and flew into the open window of a building, falling onto a white blanket along with the rays of the morning sun.

The cellphone sitting on the light colored blanket suddenly lit up. A melodious violin melody flowed out from the speaker.

Pei Ying pulled her hand out from her blankets and pat around her pillow twice. Eyes still closed, she answered the phone, "Hello..."

Her voice was heavy with sleep.

"What time is it that you're still sleeping? Don't forget you're coming over in the afternoon for photos!"

Ren Shanshan's slightly shrill voice woke Pei Ying up a bit. She indistinctly mumbled in response, "I know..."

After she ended the call, she took a look at the time on her phone. Not even 9 o'clock yet... With such a pressing morning call from Ren Shanshan, she thought she'd slept until 2 in the afternoon.

"Ay-" She stretched out. Pei Ying lazily got out of bed, her waist-length hair cascading down like a waterfall.

Stepping on her slippers, she walked over to her desk, in no rush to wash up. Instead, she turned on her computer and logged into her Weibo. (Note: Weibo is like a blog and Facebook hybrid)

Five new comments and three PMs. Good, added up together, today didn't even hit double digits.

In a rather good mood, she opened up her comments.

"Ji Man's despicable! Garbage!"

"I hate rich girls like Ji Man the most. They're so arrogant and lacking in the three fundamental views (Note: values, personal outlook, world outlook). They just have a good dad, why do they think they're so superior? (smile)"

"Just because she has a good figure, she can't wait to take her clothes off in front of the male lead. #JiManHelpsStaffEconomizeOnCloth#"

"Really hate Ji Man's character, and I don't like you either. (bye)"

"You guys are seriously ridiculous. Characters are characters, and actors are actors. Just because you hate Ji Man, do you have to run over here to leave rude comments? Long legs Pei Pei, I'm your fan. Love you!"

Pei Ying blinked her large eyes twice. Ji Man was the character she'd played in a web series last year. A rich, powerful, and vicious woman. Although it was a low cost production, the actors who played the male and female leads had both gotten big from it, catching the public's eye. And Pei Ying, whose Weibo only had a hundred thousand fans over the past three years, also ushered in the highest number of comments and messages on her account ever- Though 99 percent of them were to yell or curse at her, just like those on the screen now.

But Pei Ying didn't care about what they said. And after the conclusion of the web series, fewer and fewer people came to yell at her. There were only five comments today, and one of them was even speaking up for her.

The corners of her lips lifted up and she laughed a few times before running over to the bathroom to wash up.

This small house was barely 30 sqm, a one bedroom house and a rental. Although the area wasn't large, it was still decorated nicely.

After she cleaned herself up, she picked up a piece of bread from the table and headed downstairs.

As she headed out the door, there came a spring breeze. Both Pei Ying's red skirt and the peach blossoms above started flying around.

"Meow~" A few stray cats suddenly gathered around her heels and started walking around them. She'd seen these strays several times before, and she'd even fed them. Who knew that they would come out searching for her to be fed now?

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