Side story 3

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Although Song Nanchuan had brought up having a baby, Pei Ying had just won Best Actress, which meant her value as an actress had risen. And that also meant that various production companies were putting out offers to her, so this really wasn't the best time to have a baby.

She and Song Nanchuan had some discussions and decided to wait a year or two, until her career became more stable, before returning to this question.

Even if Song Nanchuan was the one to bring up having a little princess, after thinking of having a few more years with just Pei Ying, he readily agreed.

In the next two years, Pei Ying filmed a TV drama, two movies, several advertisements, and she also reunited with Qiao Yichen to put out another EP. Her schedule was filled to the brim. Not to mention her popularity rise, she'd definitely earned enough milk money.

Finally, after two years of unyielding perseverance by her fans, Pei Ying finally made an announcement that she'd be taking a temporary break from the entertainment industry to prepare for her pregnancy.

This news left a lot of old fans with streaks of tears on their faces, as if they were the ones having a baby. The media was also getting riled up as they set up for baby-bump watch.

Pei Ying was reading comments from the baby-urging army, and the she turned to Song Nanchuan and said, "Chuan Chuan, I think there's a lot of pressure on you."

Song Nanchuan's brows jumped up. "Why?"

"Because if I don't get pregnant, they'll think something's wrong with you."

Song Nanchuan, "...."

"Hahaha. Then let's see whether there's something wrong with me or not." He picked up Pei Ying and carried her to the bed.

With their combined efforts, good news was right around the corner. Under Song Nanchuan's watchful gaze, Pei Ying shared the news on Weibo, proving that there was nothing wrong with him.

[Pei Ying] (Official)
Hello, everyone! We went to the hospital for a checkup today, and I'm pregnant (shy). In a few more months, there will be a new face to greet you guys (heart)

A few minutes after Pei Ying posted this news, there were already several hundred comments. It was as if she'd just taken a sip of water, but Weibo had grown very lively.

"My goodness, my Pei's going to be a mom!!! (love you)"

"Finally! Thank goodness I'm still alive and breathing!!!"

"The baby's coming, my last two years of urging didn't go to waste! Congratulations, Pei Pei and CEO Song! Let me think about what I should push for next!"

"The people of the Southwest region send our congratulations! My Pei and CEO Song's baby girl will be beautiful!"

"Where are all the people who asked how long they would last when they got married? They're having a baby now. What else do you have to say? (picks nose)"

"Some people just can't stand seeing others being happy (smile). Congrats to Pei Pei and CEO Song. Make sure to take care of yourself! Waiting for the baby's arrival!"

"Pei Pei, promise me that you'll have a son! If I can't marry CEO Song, I can at least marry him! By the way, I just turned 13 this year, so I'm not much older than him (shy)"

As fans from across the nation waited earnestly, Pei Ying finally received her expected delivery date. When she entered the delivery room, Song Nanchuan's chest felt very tight. When she came back out, he rushed over to her.

Pei Ying's face was very pale, and her hair was plastered to her face with sweat. Seeing her, Song Nanchuan's heart ached. He frowned and asked the doctor, "What's wrong with her?"

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