Ch 33

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“Ying Ying, I really missed you…” Song Nanchuan murmured into Pei Ying’s ear. Pei Ying shivered as his warm breath touched her skin.

“Ying Ying…” Song Nanchuan called her name. He pulled her hair away and lightly kissed her neck. The sudden stimulus made Pei Ying gasp. Song Nanchuan’s arm around her waist tightened as his other hand slipped into her robe, from the neck.

“Mm…” Feeling his warm hand over her chest, Pei Ying subconsciously let out another gasp. Song Nanchuan’s lips moved from her neck to her shoulder, as his hand around her waist moved under the skirt of her robe, gliding up along her thigh.

The moan she tried to suppress escaped from her lips. Just as she was about to turn to water in Song Nanchuan’s arms, she violently pushed away the man behind her. She turned to him and said, “CEO Song, please have some respect. We’ve already broken up.”

Song Nanchuan watched as she pulled her robe back up, and he revealed a cold smile on his thin lips. “When did I agree to this breakup?”

Pei Ying’s cheeks reddened. She turned her head and looked at the wall without another word.

Song Nanchuan walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her, holding her tightly against himself. Pei Ying could very clearly feel a part of him start to stir.

She pursed her lips as she tried to get out of his hold, but she was helpless against his strength. Not only was she unable to break free, she started to feel him growing larger…

Her face reddened another few shades as she stood still in place. She looked at him, her eyes carrying an expression of shame. “Song Nanchuan, what are you trying to do?!”

“You,” Song Nanchuan responded simply.

Pei Ying, “……..”

It was at this time that she fully felt the broad and profound nature of the Chinese language.

She grabbed onto the hands that were holding her waist, wanting to pull his arms off of her. Song Nanchuan moved closer to her and kissed her precisely on the lips.

Feeling humiliated, Pei Ying avoided his kisses. Song Nanchuan took the chance to bury his head in her neck. “I’m sorry…”

He spoke the words very quietly.

Pei Ying was taken aback. Brows knit, she asked him, “What did you say?”

“I’m sorry…” Song Nanchuan repeated quietly. “I shouldn’t have stepped in and made a decision without asking you about it.”

Pei Ying’s eyes trembled momentarily. After waiting so long, she finally got her apology.

Now that Song Nanchuan brought up this topic, his director wrappings all started to unravel, and he suddenly started unloading all of his worries. “Don’t be angry anymore. In the future, I’ll be sure to discuss with you before I make any decisions. Can you forgive me? Don’t ignore me anymore. Do you know how I’ve been living these days? If things continue this way, I’m going to go mad…”

He sounded so very pitiful, and with a pop, Pei Ying’s heart softened. She hugged him and rubbed his back. “I was partly in the wrong too. I should have told you ahead of time about the intimate scenes. If I get an offer for another project like that, I’ll talk to you about it first.”

“…You don’t have to (discuss it with me). I won’t agree to it.”

Pei Ying, “….”

Hey! Is that the attitude someone who’s apologizing should have?!

She turned her head and glared fiercely at Song Nanchuan. His eyes shined with moisture. Those sparkling eyes and that beauty mark were so beautiful that Pei Ying’s heart started pounding again.

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