Ch 16. Birthday

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After Universe posted this notice, the internet exploded in an uproar. Some netizens came to say that as an official account, they shouldn't be cursing. Others came to applaud the editor.

Almost immediately following the notice, the article regarding the 'seemingly intimate' relationship between Pei Ying and Song Nanchuan was taken down.

The tides changed quickly, and the one could only keep up with the events if they constantly refreshed their pages.

Pei Ying also sat in front of her computer, watching things unfold. She sighed at how efficient Universe Pictures was, but at the same time, she was thinking about the editor who ran their page... What a temperament!

But the harassing comments didn't stop or disappear. Instead, when the netizens saw the official statement taking her side, they all jumped out to say, "Look! Universe Pictures is speaking out for her. The original report was also removed. Such quick damage control. Doesn't that mean that Song Nanchuan is protecting her?!"

Another netizen responded, "How strange. Even if Song Nanchuan were protecting her, so what? If she can have anti-fans like you, then why can't someone protect her? Ah ah, if CEO Song wants to pamper her, what's it to you? (smile)"

Pei Ying, "..."

She was even being teased by the commenters...

But anti-fans that bit at you and didn't let go wouldn't listen no matter what you said. So Pei Ying didn't say anything. She re-blogged the message that Universe Studios posted and then exited her Weibo.

After watching the bloodstorm develop online, Chen Sheng gave a call to Pei Ying, worried about how she was taking it. Pei Ying was playing a game at the time. When she saw that Chen Sheng was calling, she quit her game and answered. "GM Chen, is something the matter?"

"Nothing much. Just checking on how you're doing."

"Oh, I'm fine. Thank you for your concern."

"That's good then." Chen Sheng knew that she was generally a calm person. "Don't mind what's happening online too much. If you look at it another way, doesn't it mean that you're really famous now? I'll help you look out for some good drama scripts. If there's anything suitable, we'll try to get it."

When she heard Chen Sheng say this, Pei Ying felt that this whole situation was really quite a blessing in disguise. "Then, thank you, GM Chen."

"Mm, don't delay with the shoots for the advertisement."

"I got it. Don't worry, GM Chen."

"Alright then. I'm hanging up."

After her call with Chen Sheng, Pei Ying opened her game and continued picking out clothes.

The next day, April 1st, was April Fool's Day and also Pei Ying's 23rd birthday.

Luckily, she didn't have any work scheduled for that day. Around noon, she was called over to Ren Shanshan's studio, and they celebrated together. Ren Shanshan had ordered a large cake and even tidied up the studio.

Pei Ying was extremely touched. Thankfully, she'd had Ren Shanshan by her side all these years, so she hadn't been so lonely.

The two staffers at the studio were especially happy that day as well. Not only did they get to eat tasty food, they were also able to slack off without punishment. They wished that every day could have been Pei Ying's birthday.

"Happy birthday!" Ren Shanshan stuck candles into the cake and glanced over to Pei Ying. "Hurry and make a wish. Something sexy would be good."

Pei Ying, "..."

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