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Pei Ying’s family lived on the seventh floor. It was a small, three bedroom apartment, and a row of people were currently seated on the not-that-large sofa in the living room. The house usually didn’t see any relatives, but here they all were today.

With a bright, smiling face, Mrs Pei announced, “Everyone heard that you were coming home, so they made a special trip out to see you.”

Pei Ying simply smiled and nodded. She’d only told her mother that she was coming home, so no one would have known about her return unless her mother told everyone else. Of course she knew what her mother was thinking. She, naturally, wanted to show off to their relatives.

“Xiujuan ah, I haven’t seen you in so many years. You’ve grown up so beautifully.” Her second aunt stood up from the sofa and warmly grasped Pei Ying’s hand. Pei Ying smiled and asked if her aunt was well.

Second Aunt was the wealthiest among their relatives. Usually, she was the one looking down her nose at others. And when she’d invite them out to dinner, she would offer to pay, which was really just her way of showing off. After every meal together, Pei Ying’s mother would be welling up with anger. So, seeing the two women act so close was a bit amusing to Pei Ying.

In all fairness, she did understand her mother’s elation.

Second Aunt looked at Pei Ying rather indifferently, but then she smiled at Song Nanchuan. “This must be Mr Song. Hello, nice to meet you. I’m Pei Xiujuan’s second aunt.”

Song Nanchuan leaned back just slightly, maintaining a good distance. “Hello.”

Second Aunt had extended her hand for a shake, but after getting no response, she awkwardly pulled her arm back. Pei Ying took this opportunity to tug on Song Nanchuan, and then introduced him to her father. “This is my dad.”

Feeling Song Nanchuan’s gaze land on him, Mr Pei subconsciously straightened his back. “Mr Song, hello.”

His expression was more or less dignified. Song Nanchuan smiled at him and said, “Uncle, hello.” After their simple greeting, Song Nanchuan suddenly recalled something. Although he’d said that this was simply a get together with Pei Ying’s parents, it was still their first meeting, so he’d brought along some gifts. “I brought Uncle and Auntie a few small gifts, but I forgot them in the car. I’ll have the driver send them up.”

Hearing these words, Mrs Pei quickly said, “No need to bother your driver. I’ll have Xiuran go down to pick them up.” She pat Pei Xiuran’s shoulder, signaling him to go find the driver.

When Pei Xiuran brought the gifts up, Mr and Mrs Pei called everyone into the living room for lunch.

At the table, all the relatives moved to ask about Song Nanchuan. They all knew that he’d invested two billion into Universe, so how could they leave such a big gold mine alone?

Pei Ying remained silent as she ate. At first, she’d been thinking that meeting her parents would be troublesome, but now there was an entire group of relatives. Song Nanchuan, on the other hand, seemed to be dealing with things quite well. These people were, after all, no competition for his business partners.

“Why are you only eating rice?” Song Nanchuan grabbed a chicken leg and dropped it into Pei Ying’s bowl, not at all courteous. Pei Ying was somewhat taken aback, but then she quietly said a word of thanks before returning to silence to eat the chicken leg.

Though it was just a small action, the entire table had turned to look at the two of them. Pei Xiuran laughed brightly and said, “Brother-in-law is so considerate towards Sis. So, when are you two getting married?”

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