Ch 24

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The previous evening, Pei Ying had removed the wrapping from her ankle. Although it was still a tad red, you wouldn’t notice it unless you were looking for it. When she left that morning, she’d purposefully dressed in clothes suited for exercising, and she wore the same shoes that she’d been practicing in.

Song Nanchuan’s driver sent her to Universe Pictures HQ, and when she arrived, she saw Chen Sheng and Tao Tao already sitting in the waiting area.

“Xiao Pei ah, you’re here.” Seeing Pei Ying arrive, Chen Sheng quickly walked over to greet her. “The audition starts in twenty minutes. There are five actresses auditioning today, and Li Sisi will also arrive shortly.”

Both Pei Ying and Tao Tao grew pensive at the mention of Li Sisi. Li Sisi was their biggest rival in this audition.

Seeing them go so quiet, Chen Sheng tried to console them. “Don’t be too anxious. Even though Li Sisi is very popular, Yi Feiyue doesn’t look at popularity. Just make sure to do well when you audition.”

The two girls both made a sound of acknowledgement. Not long after, a staffer came to notify them that the audition was starting and assigned them a number each.

Pei Ying was four and Tao Tao was five.

The audition took place in a very spacious office room. The director, screenwriter, and the original writer of Dancing In the Beautiful Sunshine (DIBS), along with a top executive at Universe, would be judging.

Li Sisi was also sitting inside. Pei Ying glanced over at her before proceeding inside with Tao Tao.

“Alright, since everyone is here, let’s begin.” Yi Feiyue picked up a paper box by his hand and announced to the room, “There are two parts to the audition today. The first is a short dance performance, which I’m sure you’re already aware of. The other is inside of this paper box. The screenwriter and I picked out five scenes and wrote them down on a piece of paper. Whichever one you get is the one you have to act out. Understood?”

Everyone expressed their understanding, and the audition proceeded according to their assigned numbers. Li Sisi was number one. Out of fairness, each actress would pick their audition scene right before their turn, so the other girls remained still.

Yi Feiyue gave Li Sisi a minute to begin. Li Sisi was to perform an eating scene where she and the main lead were thinking about their future. At the time, both the hero and heroine were just small background dancers for bigger stars. The two of them sat at the counter in the convenience store, swallowing down sandwiches as they spoke about their grand dreams.

After watching her performance, Pei Ying felt that Li Sisi’s acting skill had indeed improved. However, whenever Li Sisi acted, no matter her role, she always felt more like Li Sisi than the character.

Yi Feiyue didn’t make any comments after her performance and just had her start dancing. Li Sisi’s dancing was better than her acting. And with her pretty and youthful looks, the performance was really quite pleasing to the eyes.

When she finished her audition, she had her assistant pack up and they left.

After watching the first three actresses’ performances, Pei Ying apprehensively stepped up to choose the scene she’d be acting.

She hoped that she would get something easy.

After a moment of contemplation, she opened up her piece of paper.

Topic: The female lead has won the trials of the dance competition. Please perform the farewell scene with the male lead before she heads abroad.

Pei Ying’s heart thumped. If she recalled correctly, this was a crying scene. After checking the topic she’d chosen, a staff member handed her the script for the scene.

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