Ch 4. Walk - on

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After she failed to get the role of Tang Feifei, another week passed without Pei Ying getting any work. That day, she was at Ren Shanshan's studio for their routine photo shoot of new clothes. They ordered a pizza and sat by the window, nibbling on it.

"Mm..." Pei Ying took a bite of her pizza, pulling out a long thread of cheese. "I could eat stuffed crust pizza for a hundred years and not get tired of it."

Ren Shanshan glanced over at her and then picked up her cola. "You haven't gotten a new job in like a year, but you're still so easygoing. I'd believe it."

Pei Ying shrugged, not very concerned about it. "Even if I feel bad about the jobs, it's not like a new one will show up in front of me."

"Can't you do some serious reflection?" Ren Shanshan sounded a bit exasperated at her friend. "Forget about CEO Zhu. But you even let such a quality guy like Song Nanchuan slip away. What's the difference between you and a salted fish?"

Pei Ying, "..."

She also had dreams.

"Huh..." Ren Shanshan let out an exaggerated sigh. "It's spring. Even the cats on the street have paired up. You're the only single one."

"...You say that like you're any different."

"Of course I am. I'm someone with a date."

Pei Ying scrunched up her lips. Date? More like a one night stand appointment.

As she was silently criticizing, her phone on the table rang. Ren Shanshan was already too used to this ringtone that hadn't been changed in ten thousand years.

It was Chen Sheng calling. Pei Ying wiped her hands with a napkin and quickly answered the call. "GM Chen, hello."

"Xiao Pei, you don't have any projects now, right?"

"Nope, I was about to ask you about it."

"Good. Then are you willing to do a walk-on for Tao Tao's 'Light Shines on Raiment of Rainbows' (LSRR)?"

"Ah, what's the role?"

"A model." Chen Sheng added on, "An international supermodel. It's just two episodes."

"Okay, I can do it." In any case, she wasn't doing anything else. And she'd watched LSRR; the ratings were pretty good.

"Then drop by the office now."

"Okay." Pei Ying hung up the phone and smiled at Ren Shanshan. "See, work has come to me. Girls who love smiling won't have such horrible luck."

Ren Shanshan, "..."

Caught off guard, she nearly spat out her pizza.

Pei Ying cleaned up and headed over to Chen Sheng's. When she arrived, he was on the phone. He waved Pei Ying in, gesturing for her to take a seat.

Pei Ying sat across from him for a bit. Chen Sheng hung up the phone as he handed her the script for LSRR. "I already spoke to the production team about it. They're filming your part tomorrow, so make sure to familiarize yourself with the script today."

"Mm, okay." It was just a walk-on. There definitely wouldn't be many lines, so Pei Ying was pretty assured.

Chen Sheng sent her another email and said, "The drama's ratings are very good right now. Although this is a walk-on role, taking advantage of the popularity and making an appearance is still pretty good."

"Mm, I know." Pei Ying flipped through the script.

LSRR was a modern, inspirational, fashion drama. The female lead had just arrived in the big city and was working hard as a clothing designer. Pei Ying's character was appearing late in the series. At this time, the female lead had already developed a reputation in the design industry. But when she ran into Pei Ying's character, an international supermodel, she was terrified, as if treading on thin ice.

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