Ch 2. Dinner

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Chen Sheng just called her directly. Seeing the name appear on the screen of her phone, Pei Ying quickly stuffed the rest of the bread in her mouth and swallowed it. She sat up from the sofa, "GM Chen."

"Mm, Xiao Pei, there's an idol web drama. Director Ceng Feiming needs a second female lead. They originally wanted to cast Tao Tao, but it might not fit in her schedule. Do you want to take it?"

Pei Ying blinked her long eyelashes twice. She figured that rather than not fitting her schedule, it was more likely that Tao Tao just didn't want to be the second female lead. After all, the drama she was currently in was getting great ratings, and she was the most popular entertainer in their company right now. But in Pei Ying's situation, it was always the work that came to pick her; she didn't pick her work. So she held onto her phone and nodded, "I can do it."

Chen Sheng said, "Then I'll send your information to the production team. I'll let you know if there's any news. Although it's the second female lead, this time she's the female lead's best friend. And the investment is bigger than in your last project."

"Okay. Thank you, GM Chen."

Chen Sheng said goodbye and hung up the phone.

Pei Ying thought it would take at least a day or two to hear back. She hadn't expected that before she even finished eating another piece of bread that Chen Sheng would text her a reply. "Director Ceng's having dinner with the production team and the investors right now. Head over."

He'd attached the address at the end of his text.

Pei Ying thought for a moment, and then responded, "Okay."

[Chen Sheng] I emailed you the info about the character. Take a look at it on your way to the restaurant. Make a good performance.

[Pei Ying] Okay.

Pei Ying put away her phone and walked up to Ren Shanshan. "Shanshan, I have to go meet the director now, so I won't eat with you."

Ren Shanshan raised her head, her eyes still glued to the laptop screen. "What director? What's the rush? You didn't even eat lunch."

"There's nothing else I can do. It's not easy to get a job. Of course you have to be more active." Pei Ying threw her purse strap over her shoulder, and without waiting for Ren Shanshan's responses, she headed downstairs.

After leaving the studio, she hailed a taxi and headed to restaurant. On the way, she checked the email Chen Sheng sent her. So this character was a rich girl, but she was also gentle and kind this time. She was the female lead's close friend (Note: 'as close as a cotton padded jacket').

This kind of character wasn't at all difficult for Pei Ying. Although she hadn't been born into the same circumstances, she'd learned a lot of things in the past three years. Not only did she go to every single acting class her company arranged for her, she also gained experience at the filming site.

As she was getting a grasp on the character, the taxi pulled up in front of the restaurant.

It was a very upscale restaurant, the kind of place Pei Ying rarely went to. She told the host about her appointment and a waiter quickly arrived to escort her.

When the the waiter opened the double doors to the private room, Pei Ying let out a small breath.

Everyone looked over to the slight movement at the door.

Amidst the sea of unfamiliar faces, Pei Ying immediately spotted one man- The one who invested 2 billion into the entertainment industry, the third Song prince, Song Nanchuan.

He was wearing a light colored suit. When he turned slightly to look their way, his dark hair cast a slight shadow across his skin.

From that angle, Pei Ying saw that he had a light mole at the corner of his left eye. It was like the finishing touch (Note: 'dotting the dragon's eye in a painting'), too sexy to be ignored.

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