Ch 26

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Pei Ying had spent the past two days resting at home and tending to her injured ankle. Song Nanchuan would also have dinner delivered to the house when he got home from work.

At 6 that evening, Song Nanchuan returned from the office and saw Pei Ying holding a cat, sitting at the window in a trance. Song Nanchuan watched her for a moment and then asked, “Ying Ying, what are you thinking about here?”


After the cat in Pei Ying’s arms called out, it ran off. Pei Ying turned to Song Nanchuan and got up from her seat. “Oh, the results for the audition came out today. GM Chen said I wasn’t picked.”

Song Nanchuan was silent for a few seconds before comforting her, “It’s alright. If not this time, there’s still next time. Who knows, maybe there’s an even better opportunity waiting for you around the corner.”

Pei Ying continued to look at him. “That’s it?”

Song Nanchuan’s brow twitched slightly. “What?”

“That’s all you have to say to me?”

Song Nanchuan was silent again. He looked at her and asked, “What’s the matter?”

Pei Ying pursed her lips. “I heard that the director gave the role to Li Sisi after you said I wasn’t suitable for the role.”

Song Nanchuan was slightly taken aback as his brows knit together into a frown. “Who did you hear that from?”

“That’s not important. What I want to know is whether or not it’s true. Did you tell the production team that I wasn’t fit for the role?”

Song Nanchuan’s lips pressed together into a thin line. After a moment, he responded, “Yes.”

Pei Ying held back her temper and remained as calm as she could. “Then I’d like to hear why you felt I wasn’t fit for the role.”

Song Nanchuan answered, “Have you read the original novel? There are a lot of intimate scenes in the story, and even a scene where the leads have sexual relations. I don’t want you to act in that kind of movie.”

Pei Ying raised her head to look at him, her face not betraying any emotions. After a moment of silence, she suddenly laughed. “That’s it? It’s just because you didn’t want me acting in that kind of movie?” She found it rather laughable. “You asked if I’ve read the original novel? I was so busy practicing my dance, but I still found the time to read it three times. I practiced until I sprained my ankle, but I still persevered to the end. Originally, I thought that since I did my best, it didn’t matter what the result was. At least, I wouldn’t have had any regrets. But now? Because you didn’t want me to act, I can’t act.”

Seeing her reaction, Song Nanchuan suddenly felt a bit of panic rising inside him. “Ying Ying, Universe still has a lot of productions lined up. Why does it have to be this film? I already told Xiao Zhang to look for some suitable roles, so there will be news soon.”

“Is that the problem right now? And what kind of roles do you think are suitable?” Pei Ying looked at him, her eyes red. “Have you ever considered my opinion? Have you ever asked me what kind of roles I want to act? Or do you think this isn’t something you should have to discuss with me?”

Song Nanchuan let out a breath and said, “Okay, I was wrong not to discuss this with you first, but like I said, I’ve already asked Xiao Zhang to look out for more roles. The quality won’t be worse than the movie you auditioned for, and it will be a lead role. What are you unsatisfied with?”

Pei Ying scoffed. “Don’t say that you were wrong. You don’t even think you did anything wrong, do you? Song Nanchuan, did you really start thinking that you were my financial backer after everyone called you that? If I wanted a backer, do you think it’d be you, Song Nanchuan?!”

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