Ch 17.2

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She bit her lip and answered her phone. “Mom, what is it?”

“Xiujuan ah, I heard your brother say that you’re dating a CEO. Is that true?”

Pei Ying’s eyes twitched. She figured that if she and Song Nanchuan were going to continue on this road, she couldn’t hide it from her family. She gave a sound of acknowledgment. “We’re dating.”

“Oh, really?! That’s wonderful!” Mrs Pei was ecstatic. On the other end of the phone, Pei Ying could imagine the smiling and glowing expression on her mother’s face. “I heard your brother say that this CEO has a lot of money. He invested in something or other, and he spent 2 billion yuan! If you’re really together with him, then our family will benefit greatly!”

Pei Ying frowned, unhappy. “Mom, his money is his money. What’s it got to do with us?”

“How can it not have anything to do with us? He’s Xiuran’s brother-in-law, so how could he not care about Xiuran? When Xiuran graduates and needs a job, and when he gets married and needs a house–”

“Mom!” Pei Ying didn’t wait for her to finish before cutting her off. “I’ll say it once more. His money is his money. Don’t start planning how to spend other people’s money!”

When Mrs Pei heard this, she wasn’t very happy either. “What are you saying? What do you mean ‘spending other people’s money?’ If he marries my daughter, shouldn’t he help out our family? In whatever case, your father and I still went through hardships to raise you.”

Pei Ying sighed and then responded, “Yes, you and Dad raised me. And I’ll do my best to support you. But Song Nanchuan doesn’t owe you guys anything. Stop thinking about his money.”


“If you really want Xiuran to become rich without having to work for it, have him marry a rich wife then! With his good looks, there will definitely be some wealthy woman willing to take care of him!” Pei Ying hung up the phone right after she said that.

In order to stop her mother from calling again, she turned off her phone.

She’d lost her appetite. She dropped down onto her bed and let out an exhausted sigh.

Her mother would definitely have gotten angry at her words. It was enough that they kept coming to her for money, but they were even thinking of Song Nanchuan’s money now…

She lifted her right hand and covered her eyes.

He didn’t owe them anything…

In time for her afternoon schedule, Pei Ying recovered her enthusiasm. She didn’t like to let her personal emotions affect her at work. Her work involved many people cooperating together, and if she was in poor condition, it would drag everyone else down as well. She’d be very sorry to all the staff that were working hard.

Although the high heel advertisement would be focused on her legs, she still had to get all her makeup done. Pei Ying changed into the dress provided by the advertiser and sat down in front of the mirror.

The makeup artist started to put on some foundation. Unintentionally, her eyes swept across Pei Ying’s neck.

There were several visible hickeys.

The makeup artist was still young, and her face immediately reddened. Pei Ying saw her odd expression and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Uh… Your neck…”

Then the makeup artist paused. Pei Ying looked at her neck in the mirror, her face growing even more red than the makeup artist’s. “Can you cover it…?”

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