Ch 36

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They headed back inside after swimming, and Song Nanchuan pestered Pei Ying until 5 o’clock.

She took a shower, and after changing her clothes, she said, “I’m really hungry. I want to eat some Luosifen.”

Song Nanchuan was sitting by the window. When he heard what she said, his brows knit together. “I’ll have the restaurant deliver some food.”

“No, I want to eat Luosifen.”

“It’s only 5 o’clock now. If you eat that, you’ll get hungry later at night,” Song Nanchuan said very realistically.

Pei Ying thought it over for a moment and nodded. “That’s true. Then go ahead and call the restaurant.”

Before Song Nanchuan could even feel happy, Pei Ying added, “After I eat my Luosifen, I’ll have an actual meal.”

“….” Song Nanchuan looked at her without a word. “Aren’t you afraid of getting fat if you eat that much? Haven’t you seen all the comments on Weibo cursing you to get fat?”

Pei Ying scoffed without any concern. She pulled her hair out from inside her clothes. “All their curses will bounce off me and the people cursing me will feel the effects of their own curse soon enough.”

Song Nanchuan, “….”

“You’re saying all this stuff just to stop me from eating Luosifen, aren’t you?” Pei Ying turned to look at him as she wrinkled her nose. “You’re all better after this afternoon, aren’t you? I’m going to eat my Luosifen now.”

…How were those two things in any way connected? Song Nanchuan watched as she headed downstairs and quickly put on his robe to follow her. Pei Ying walked into the kitchen and opened the refrigerator. She looked inside and said, “Hey, where’s my bag of Luosifen? I remember there was still a bag of it when I left.”

She’d been so distressed about it too.

Song Nanchuan walked over to her side and propped his left arm onto the refrigerator. “Your memory must be faulty.”

“How could it be.” Pei Ying frowned as she looked at Song Nanchuan. “Did you throw it away?!”

“….” Song Nanchuan thought about it for a moment and then nodded. “Mm.”

In any case, he wasn’t going to admit that he ate it.

“How could you throw it away?! It wasn’t even expired yet! It was just sitting quietly on its own inside the refrigerator, and you couldn’t just tolerate it?!”

“…I kept feeling like it would make everything else smell. Mm.”

Pei Ying, “….”

Seeing her unhappy expression, Song Nanchuan closed the refrigerator door and said, “I’ll have Xiao Zhang buy a box for you tomorrow, okay?”

Pei Ying paused to think. “Okay. I’m going to eat each and every bag right in front of you.”

Song Nanchuan, “….”

Such animosity.

Because the Luosifen had unfortunately “died in battle,” Pei Ying could only wait for Song Nanchuan to have dinner delivered from the restaurant. When he walked into the living room to make the call, Pei Ying’s phone rang. She picked it up and saw it was her mother calling.

She frowned slightly. Pei Ying walked off to the side to pick up her phone. “Mom, what’s the matter?”

“Oh, Xiujuan, your brother will be finishing the semester soon, won’t he? I’m worried that he won’t have enough living expenses. Think about how hard he must be studying at the end of the semester. Shouldn’t he at least be able to eat well?”

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